
American Studies Coffee Hour for First Semester Students


Hello and welcome to our American Studies Coffee Hour!

We, the American Studies student assistants, have set up this "course" to offer first semester students a platform to ask their questions and connect with each other as COVID restrictions pose a challenge to students who are just starting out right now. That is also why we will meet on Zoom.

You can find the course on WueCampus if you search for “American Studies Coffee Hour” or under Veranstaltungen > Philosophische Fakultät > Anglistik und Amerikanistik > Coffee Hour. Please use the password “coffee” to enroll. The course will then show up under Meine Kurse > Semesterübergreifend. There you will find the links for our meetings.

Our first meeting will be on November 5, 2:15-4 pm. We will not meet every week, but on an every-other-week basis as needed and requested. If you have any questions that need to be answered in-between meetings, we would like you to post them in our General Discussion Forum on Wuecampus so everyone else who might have the same question in mind has access to the replies. If you have any questions you do not want to post publicly in the forum, you can submit them to

We are looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!

Rebecca and Marie
