

Prof. Dr. Catrin Gersdorf

Summer Semester 2024: Forschungsfreisemester

Office Hours

  • next office hour: Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 11am-12am

To register for the office hour, please send an e-mail to Frau Hedrich at and briefly state your preferred time slot and the matter you want to discuss with me.

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.1
Phone +49 931 31 89170


Prof. Dr. MaryAnn Snyder-Körber

Office Hours

My weekly office hours in the active semester generally take place on Tuesday, from 16:30 on. We can speak in person, via Zoom, or phone. On occasion, however, the day and/or time frame might be modified.

You can find an overview of upcoming office hours and sign-up possibilities here.

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.4
Phone +49 931 31 86839


Prof. Dr. Ina Bergmann

  • Akademische Oberrätin
  • Geschäftsführende Assistentin
  • Fachstudienberaterin

Office Hours and Student Advisory Services

  • Wednesday, 2-4pm

Until further notice, office hours and student advisory services will preferably be held as telephone or video office hours. Please send an email to sign up for a time slot and discuss details at least 24 hours before the date.

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.6
Phone +49 (0)931 31 85663


PD Dr. Heike Raphael-Hernandez

  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Office Hours  

  • Wednesday, 1 pm-2 pm

Office hours during the semester break:

  • Thursday, July 18, 2024: 12:00-13:30 and 16:00-17:00
  • Tuesday, July 30, 2024: 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00
  • September: tba
  • October: tba

Hinweise zur Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.7
Phone +49 (0)931 31 81482


Marie Beckmann, B. A.

  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Office Hours

  • by appointment

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.U.14
Phone +49 931 31-89242


Lukas Hellmuth, M. A.

  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
  • Doktorand

Office Hours

  • by appointment

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.7

Molina Klingler, M. A.

  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
  • Doktorandin

Lena Pfeifer, M. A.

  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik und am BMBF-Projekt REKLINEU
  • Doktorandin

Office Hours

  • Tuesday, 2:30-3:30pm

To sign up for office hours, please send me an email or talk to me in class. We can speak in person or via Zoom.

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.U.14
Phone +49 (0)931 31 86316


Nina Wintermeyer, M. A.

  • Lehrbeauftragte

Eva Hedrich, M. A.

  • Office Management

Office Hours

  • Monday, 10am – noon & 2pm – 4pm
  • Wednesday, 10am – noon & 2pm – 4pm

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.2
Phone +49 931 31 85656 or +49 931 31 80474

Student Assistants

  • Jamie Förster
  • Krystine Koh
  • David Schiepek

Office Hours

  • Monday, 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00
  • Tuesday, 09:00-13:00
  • Thursday, 11:00-14:00

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.3