

Prof. Dr. Jochen Achilles


Sheridan Le Fanu und die schauerromantische Tradition: Zur psychologischen Funktion der Motivik von Sensationsroman und Geistergeschichte. Studies in English and Comparative Literature 7. Tübingen: Gunter Narr /Stauffenburg, 1991.

Drama als problematische Form: Der Wandel zu nichtrealistischer Gestaltungsweise im Werk Sean O'Caseys. Regensburger Arbeiten zur Anglistik 14. Frankfurt/Bern: Lang, 1979.

Edited Volumes

Liminality and the Short Story: Boundary Crossings in American, Canadian, and British Writing. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. New York and London: Routledge, 2015.

Liminale Anthropologien: Zwischenzeiten, Schwellenphänomene, Zwischenräume in Literatur und Philosophie. Ed. Jochen Achilles, Roland Borgards und Brigitte Burrichter. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012.

Representations of Evil in Fiction and Film. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. Anglistik – Amerikanistik – Anglophonie. Vol. 11. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009.

Global Challenges and Regional Responses in Contemporary Drama in English. Ed. Jochen Achilles, Ina Bergmann, and Birgit Däwes. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2003.

(Trans)Formations of Cultural Identity in the English-Speaking World. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Carmen Birkle. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 1998.

Irische Dramatiker der Gegenwart. Ed. Jochen Achilles und Rüdiger Imhof. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1996.

Journal Articles

 "Normative Crisis in Regionalist American Short Fiction." Journal of the Short Story in English / Les cahiers de la nouvelle 80-81 (Spring-Autumn 2023): 25-44. Publ. October 2024.

“’The Ghostly Terrors of the Nursery’: Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and Childhood Trauma.” Estudios Irlandeses 19 (2024): 39-56.

“Sheridan Le Fanu, Freud, and Childhood Trauma.” Le Fanu Video Symposium. Launch October 8, 2022.

"American Literary Short Forms and Their Negotiations of the Local and the Global: A Response." Journal of the Short Story in English / Les cahiers de la nouvelle 73 (Autumn 2019): 135-151. Published 2021.

"Community and Social Disintegration in Tales of Ohio Small Town Life: Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio and Pollock's Knockemstiff." Studies in the American Short Story. 1.2 (Fall 2020): 103-129.

"How to Strengthen Irish Studies throughout Europe? A Diagnosis Based on the German-Speaking Countries." Estudios Irlandeses 13 (2018): 14-26.

"Environmental Liminalities: Negotiating Metaphysics and Materialism in Nathaniel Hawthorne's, Sherwood Anderson's and Flannery O'Connor's Short Fiction." ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (2017): 1-14.

"Transnational Perspectives in Simon J. Ortiz's Short Fiction." Short Fiction in Theory and Practice. Vol. 5, Nos. 1-2 (October 2015): 69-80.

"Liminal Identities in Contemporary Irish Drama." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 68 (April 2014): 111-118.

"Postmodern Aesthetics and Postindustrial Economics: Games of Empire in Suzan Lori Parks's Topdog/Underdog." South Atlantic Review 75.3 (2010): 11-24.

"Allegory and Iconography in African American Drama of the Sixties: Imamu Amiri Baraka's Dutchman and Alice Childress's Wine in the Wilderness." Amerikastudien/American Studies 45.2 (2000): 219-238.

"Purgers and Montaged Men: Masculinity and Identity in the Fiction of Hawthorne and Poe." Themenheft von Amerikastudien/American Studies. 43.4 (1998): 577-592.

"Edgar Allan Poe's Melting Pot: Skeptical Soundings of Cultural Composition." Anglia 115.3 (1997): 352-374.

"Composite (Dis)Order: Cultural Identity in Wieland, Edgar Huntly, and Arthur Gordon Pym." 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 3 (1997): 251-270.

"Religion in der irischen Kultur der Jahrhundertwende." Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch im Auftrage der Görres-Gesellschaft 37 (1996): 193-210.

"(R)evolution versus Repetition: Concepts of History and Perspectives of Cultural Change in Irish Drama." Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Verbandes Deutscher Anglisten 7.2 (1996): 39-47.

"The Study of British Regions from Germany: Irish Studies in Germany, or, On the Inside and On the Outside of British Culture." Journal for the Study of British Cultures 2.2 (1995): 201-208.

"'Homesick for Abroad': The Transition from National to Cultural Identity in Contemporary Irish Drama." Modern Drama 38.4 (Winter 1995): 435-449.

"Edgar Allan Poe's Dreamscapes and the Transcendentalist View of Nature." Amerikastudien/American Studies 40.4 (1995): 553-573.

"Religious Risk in the Drama of Contemporary Ireland." Éire-Ireland 28.3 (1993): 17-37.

"Autorenporträt: Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810)." Corvey-Journal 4.2 (1992): 18-22.

"Die Paradiesvorstellung von der Versöhnung des Menschen mit der Natur: Literaturgeschichtliche Betrachtungen zu einem Aspekt des amerikanischen Traumes." Amerikastudien/American Studies 35.2 (1990): 203-218.

"'The Glame from that Ould Lamp': The Unity of George Fitzmaurice's Plays." Éire-Ireland 20.4 (1985): 106-129.

"George Fitzmaurice's Dramatic Fantasies: Wicked Old Children in a Disenchanting Land." Irish University Review 15.2 (1985): 148-163.

"Donald Barthelme's Aesthetic of Inversion: Caligari's Come-Back as Caligari's Leave-Taking." The Journal of Narrative Technique 12/2 (1982): 105-120.

"The Charwoman's Daughter and the Emergence of a National Psychology." Irish University Review 11.2 (1981): 184-197.

Book Contributions

“Cautionary Tales: Deirdre Kinahan’s Dramatic Reassessment of Irish History in Raging (2022).” History in Stories: The Irish Past and the Challenges of the Present. Ed. Ina Bergmann and Maria Eisenmann. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2024. 77-92.

“Regression, Reduction, Composition: Constructs of Masculinity in Antebellum Short Fiction.” Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Tales. Ed. Gérald Préher. Agrégation Anglais 2025. Paris: Éditions Ellipses, 2024. 81-108.

“Synge’s Playboy as Intercultural Contact Zone: The Globalization of the Western World.” Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues. Irish Studies in Europe 11. Ondřey Pilný et alii, eds. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2022. 35-49.

"Sandra Cisneros: 'Woman Hollering Creek' and 'Bien Pretty'." Handbook of the American Short Story. Erik Redling and Oliver Scheiding, eds. Berlin: De Gruyter. Forthcoming.

"Intermedial Drama and the Commodification of Irish Identities." "Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: Essays in Irish Literature, Culture and Politics in Honour of Werner Huber. Ed. Hedwig Schwall. Irish Studies in Europe 8. Trier: WVT, 2018. 77-89.

"Changing Cultures of Solitude: Reclusiveness in Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street." Bergmann, Ina and Stefan Hippler (Eds.). Cultures of Solitude: Loneliness, Limitation, Liberation. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, 2017. 217-228.

"Moralische Transgression und narrative Konvention: Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) und Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho (1991)." Die Kunst des Erzählens. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2017. 185-216.

"Bewusstseinsspaltung und Gesellschaftskritik in amerikanischer Fiktion: Von Edgar Allan Poe bis Bret Easton Ellis." WahnSinn in Literatur und Künsten. Ed. Gerhard Penzkofer und Irmgard Scharold, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann 2017. 331-64.

"Geschichte im irischen Drama: Von Yeats zu Bolger." Geschichte in Geschichten. Ed. Friederike Felicitas Günther and Markus Hien. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2016. 127-152.

"Real Machines in Imaginary Gardens: Leo Marx's The Machine in the Garden and Environmental Liminality in Flannery O'Connor's 'A View of the Woods.'" Rural America. Ed. Antje Kley and Heike Paul. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015. 207-225.

"Modes of Liminality in American Short Fiction: Condensations of Multiple Identities." Liminality and the Short Story: Boundary Crossings in American, Canadian, and British Writing. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. London: Routledge, 2015. 35-49.

Together with Ina Bergmann. "'Betwixt and Between': Boundary Crossings in American, Canadian, and British Short Fiction." Liminality and the Short Story: Boundary Crossings in American, Canadian, and British Writing. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. London: Routledge, 2015. 3-31.

Together with Ina Bergmann. "Richard Greenberg." The Methuen Guide to Contemporary American Playwrights. Ed. and intr. Martin Middeke, Peter Paul Schnierer, Christopher Innes and Matthew C. Roudané. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2014. 39-57.

"Transnational Ireland and Elizabeth Kuti's Drama." Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Ed. Katrin Röder und Ilse Wischer. Trier: WVT, 2013. 21-33.

"Liminalität und Heterotopie: Grundstrukturierungen amerikanischer Erzählliteratur." Liminale Anthropologien: Zwischenzeiten, Schwellenphänomene, Zwischenräume in Literatur und Philosophie. Ed. Jochen Achilles, Roland Borgards und Brigitte Burrichter. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012. 145-160.

"Postmodernist Metafiction: John Barth's 'Lost in the Funhouse' and Donald Barthelme's 'The Glass Mountain' and 'The Balloon'." A History of the American Short Story: Genres – Developments – Model Interpretations. Ed. Michael Basseler and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT, 2011. 341-357.

"J. Graham Reid." The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish Playwrights. Ed. Martin Middeke and Peter Paul Schnierer. London: Methuen, 2010. 405-422.

"Constructions and Contestations of Home in African American Theater." Constructions of Home: Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture, Law, and Literature. Ed. Klaus Stierstorfer. New York: AMS Press, 2010. 117-131.

"'Does Reshuffling the Cards Change the Game?' Structures of Play in Suzan-Lori Parks's Topdog/Underdog." Suzan-Lori Parks: Essays on the Plays and Other Works. Ed. Philip C. Kolin. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. 103-23.

"Transcultural Trajectories, Interethnic Inequality, and African American Theatre: Loften Mitchell's and Alice Childress's Intermedial Plays." From Interculturalism to Transculturalism: Mediating Encounters in Cosmopolitan Contexts. Ed. Heinz Antor, Matthias Merkl, Klaus Stierstorfer, Laurenz Volkmann. Heidelberg: Winter 2010. 163-192.

"Internalisierter Rassismus im expressionistischen Drama: Adrienne Kennedys Funnyhouse of a Negro (1964)." Das neuere amerikanische Drama: Autoren – Entwicklungen – Interpretationen. Ed. Herbert Grabes and Klaus Schwank. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 13-25.

"The Synchronicity of the Modern and the Postmodern: Eugene O'Neill's Representations of Blackness and the African American Drama of August Wilson and Suzan-Lori Parks." Representation and Decoration in a Postmodern Age. Ed. Alfred Hornung and Rüdiger Kunow. Heidelberg: Winter, 2009. 211-234.

."Sinnentleerung des Satanischen und Satanisierung der Modernität: Mark Twains No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger (1908)." "My Age Is As a Lusty Winter": Essays in Honour of Peter Erlebach und Thomas Michael Stein. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 3-14.

"Representations of the Devil: Development in History and Destabilization in the American Renaissance." Representations of Evil in Fiction and Film. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 39-62.

"Mapping Out (Post)modern Ethics: Heterotopias of Good and Evil." Representations of Evil in Fiction and Film. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 9-37.

.Together with Ina Bergmann. "Introduction." Representations of Evil in Fiction and Film. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 1-7.

"Staging the Commodification of Ethnicity: Intercultural America and Contemporary Irish Drama." Intercultural America. Ed. Alfred Hornung, Winfried Herget, Klaus Lubbers. Heidelberg, Winter: 2007. 323-347.

"Dismantling the Promised Land: Ironies of Environmental Identity Constitution in Mark Twain's 'Baker's Blue Jay Yarn' (1880) and Hamlin Garland's 'Under the Lion's Paw' (1888)." Irony Revisited: Spurensuche in der englischsprachigen Literatur. Festschrift für Wolfgang G. Müller. Ed. Thomas Honegger, Eva-Maria Orth, Sandra Schwabe. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2007. 315-332.

"Brian Friel, Translations (1981)." Drama. Susanne Peters, Klaus Stierstorfer, Laurenz Volkmann (Eds.). Vol I. Trier: WVT, 2006. 121-143.

"Angels in America, Devils in Germany: Tony Kushner's Aesthetic of Redeemable Evil." Literary Views on Post-Wall Europe. Ed. Christoph Houswitschka, Anna-Christina Giovanopoulos, Edith Hallberg, and Annette Pankratz. Trier: WVT, 2005. 295-317.

"Tom Stoppard's Indian Ink (1995) and American Drama: Interethnic Contestations and Reconciliations." Cultural Interactions: Fifty Years of American Studies in Germany. Ed. Ulla Haselstein and Berndt Ostendorf. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005. 101-120.

"The Subject-Object Paradigm: Conflict and Convergence in Theories of Landscape, Consciousness, and Technoscape since Emerson and Thoreau." Space in America: Theory, History, Culture. Ed. Klaus Benesch and Kerstin Schmidt. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2005. 53-90.

''Models of Multiculturalism and their Metaphorization in American and European Drama." The Cultural Shuttle: The United States of/in Europe. Ed. Véronique Béghain and Marc Chénetier with the collaboration of Jean-Paul Gabilliet. Amsterdam: VU University P, 2004. 25-52.

"Monkey Business in Intercultural and Intertextual Perspective: Species- and Ethnos-Orientation in Poe's 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue,' Le Fanu's 'Green Tea,' and Spofford's 'Circumstance.'" Reprinted in: Animal Magic: Essays on Animals in the American Imagination. Ed. Jopi Nyman and Carol Smith. University of Joensuu Studies in Literature and Culture 11. Joensuu, Finland, 2004. 21-54.

"Monkey Business in Intercultural and Intertextual Perspective: Species- and Ethnos-Orientation in Poe's 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue,' Le Fanu's 'Green Tea,' and Spofford's 'Circumstance.'" POEtic Effect and Cultural Discourses. Ed. Hermann Josef Schnackertz. Heidelberg: Winter, 2003. 1-32.

"Global Challenges and Regional Responses in Contemporary Drama in English – An Introduction." Global Challenges and Regional Responses in Contemporary Drama in English. Ed. Jochen Achilles, Ina Bergmann, and Birgit Däwes. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2003. 9-27.

"Fay Weldon's Darcy's Utopia and the Utopian Tradition." Engendering Realism and Postmodernism: Contemporary Women Writers in Britain. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi 2001. 129-143.

"Fin de Siècle – Fin des Grandes Villes? The Reprimitivization of Urban Culture in Premodern British and Postmodern American Fiction" Postmodernism and the Fin de Siècle. Ed. Gerhard Hoffmann and Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2001. 141-161.

"Brian Friel". Philadelphia, Here I Come!" Lektüren für das 21. Jahrhundert: Schlüsseltexte europäischer Literatur – England, Frankreich, Irland, Italien, Portugal, Rußland. Ed. Martha Kleinhans und Klaus Stierstorfer. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2001. 1-26.

"African American Drama and Interracial Negotiations in 1964: James Baldwin's Blues for Mister Charlie, Adrienne Kennedy's Funnyhouse of a Negro, and Imamu Amiri Baraka's The Slave. English Literatures in International Contexts. Ed. Heinz Antor and Klaus Stierstorfer. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000. 201-219.

"The Technological Imagination and the Antebellum American Short Story." Early America Re-Explored: New Readings in Colonial, Early National, and Antebellum Culture. Ed. Klaus H. Schmidt and Fritz Fleischmann. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 505-536.

"Men of the Crowd: The Challenge of Urbanization and Negotiations of National Identity in Antebellum Short Stories." Negotiations of America's National Identity. Ed. Roland Hagenbüchle and Josef Raab. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 104-130.

"Donald Barthelme's Aesthetic of Inversion: Caligari's Come-Back as Caligari's Leave-Taking." Originally in: The Journal of Narrative Technique 12/2 (1982): 105-120. Reprinted in: Contemporary Literary Criticism 115 (Detroit: Gale, 1999) 65-71.

"Besieged Sleepy Hollows in Transatlantic Perspective: Identity Construction and Contestation in Washington Irving's The Sketch Book." The Construction and Contestation of American Cultures and Identities in the Early National Period. Ed. Udo Hebel. Heidelberg: Winter, 1999. 119-136.

"Alan Sillitoe: The Fishing-boat Picture." Interpretationen: Englische Short Stories von Thomas Hardy bis Graham Swift. Ed. Raimund Borgmeier. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam, 1999. 232-245.

"The Blues as Metaphor and Theme: African American Identity in August Wilson's Plays." Twentieth-Century Theatre and Drama in English: Festschrift for Heinz Kosok on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Ed. Jürgen Kamm. Trier: WVT, 1999. 751-771.

"Conceptualizing Cultural Identities." (Trans)Formations of Cultural Identity in the English-Speaking World. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Carmen Birkle. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 1998. 1-13.

"In and Out of the Funhouse: Emotion in Postmodernism and Postcolonial Drama." Emotion in Postmodernism. Ed. Gerhard Hoffmann and Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 1997. 123-146.

Ed. and contr. "Workshop: Teaching Utopian Fiction - A Contribution to Cultural Studies." Anglistentag 1995 Greifswald: Proceedings. Ed. Jürgen Klein und Dirk Vanderbeke. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1996. 438-451.

"Dermot Bolger's Drama and the Reality of Europe." Drama and Reality. Ed. Uwe Böker. Contemporary Drama in English 3. Trier: WVT, 1996. 59-71.

"J. Graham Reid." Irische Dramatiker der Gegenwart. Ed. Jochen Achilles and Rüdiger Imhof. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1996. 96-112.

"Tom Murphy." Irische Dramatiker der Gegenwart. Ed. Jochen Achilles und Rüdiger Imhof. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1996. 71-95.

"The Change of Paradigms and the Return of the Repressed in Tom Murphy's Drama." Insulae/Islands/Ireland: The Classical World and the Mediterranean. Ed. and Intr. Guiseppe Serpillo and Donatella Badin. Universita di Sassari: Tema, 1996. 79-86.

"Religion in Modern Irish Drama: Social Criticism and Spiritual Reorientation." Anglistentag 1993 Eichstätt: Proceedings. Ed. Günther Blaicher and Brigitte Glaser. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1994. 459-470.

"Fantasy as Psychological Necessity: Sheridan Le Fanu's Fiction." Gothick Origins and Innovations. Ed. Allan Lloyd Smith and Victor Sage. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. 150-168.

"Intercultural Relations in Brian Friel's Works." The Internationalism of Irish Literature and Drama. Ed. Joseph McMinn. Gerrards Cross, Bucks.: Colin Smythe, 1992. 3-15, 327-328.

"Self-Determination and Self-Doubt in American Short Fiction of the Early Nineteenth Century." Anglistentag 1990: Proceedings. Ed. Claus Uhlig and Rüdiger Zimmermann. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1991. 507-518.

"James Plunkett." Contemporary Irish Novelists. Ed. Rüdiger Imhof. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1990. 41-58.

"Sean O'Faolain's 'Unholy Living and Half Dying' im Lichte von James Joyce's 'Grace'." Die englische und amerikanische Kurzgeschichte. Ed. Klaus Lubbers. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1990. 293-314.

"Washington Irving, 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow': Ein prekärer amerikanischer Traum vom guten Leben." Die englische und amerikanische Kurzgeschichte. Ed. Klaus Lubbers. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1990. 1-11.

"Donald Barthelme: 'In Search of a New Principle'." Der zeitgenössische amerikanische Roman. Ed. Gerhard Hoffmann. Vol. 3. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1988. 3 vols. 40-59.

"Von der Moderne zur Postmoderne: Zu den Entstehungsbedingungen einer neuen Ästhetik." Der zeitgenössische amerikanische Roman. Ed. Gerhard Hoffmann. Vol. 2. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1988. 3 vols. 7-30.

"Sheridan Le Fanu und die stereotype Wiederkehr des Verdrängten." Erstarrtes Denken: Studien zu Klischee, Stereotyp und Vorurteil in englischsprachiger Literatur. Ed. Günther Blaicher. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1988. 197-210.

"Transformations of the Stage Irishman in Irish Drama: 1860-1910." National Images and Stereotypes. 103-114. Vol. 3 of Literary Interrelations: Ireland, England and the World. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Heinz Kosok. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1987.

"Wirklichkeitsspaltung, Liebeswunsch und Todesnähe in der Dichtung John Silkins." Britische Lyrik der Gegenwart. Ed. Iain Galbraith. Mainz: edition forum, 1984. 275-284.

"Sean O'Casey's and Denis Johnston's National Plays." Studies in Anglo-Irish Literature. Ed. Heinz Kosok. Bonn: Bouvier, 1982. 269-277.