
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Catrin Gersdorf

Chair of American Studies

Philosophiegebäude, Room 5.E.1
Phone +49 931 31 89170

Research Interests

My research is located at the intersection of American Studies and the Environmental Humanities. I am particularly interested in conceptual links between literature, democracy, modernity, and ecology. Further areas of research and teaching include the literature and culture of the Anthropocene, space and landscape in American art and literature, the history and theory of the novel, contemporary poetry, and the literary and cultural history of emotions. 

Office Hours

  • Wednesday, 1pm-2pm and by appointment

To register for the office hour, please send an e-mail to Frau Hedrich at and briefly state your preferred time slot and the matter you want to discuss with me.

Thesis Supervision

Bachelor & “Zulassungsarbeit” (Staatsexamen)

If you wish to write your Bachelor’s thesis or “Zulassungsarbeit” under my supervision you must have attended at least one of my seminars and should attend one of my lectures. The seminar should have been completed with a graded paper. Additionally, participation in the "Colloquium American Studies" (Veranst.-Nr. 04093490) is required for all students writing a Bachelor Thesis or "Zulassungsarbeit" with me. The colloquium is offered every semester and takes place on Friday from 10-12 on Zoom. Participation can be applied to modules within study programs (04-En-FM-Kol1 "Forschungsmodul Kolloquium" [BA 120 ASPO 2015 und BA 120 Erste Änderungsssatzung 2016]). However, the more important function of the colloquium is to provide a forum for testing out your ideas as well as discussing practical aspects of developing a thesis project with your peers.


If you wish to write your Master’s thesis under my supervision, please, contact me with ideas for a specific project. I am open to a broad variety of topics in American Studies and the Environmental Humanities.

Dissertation projects are mentored within the framework of the Graduate School for the Humanities.

Further Activities