Identity (re)constructions in Hong Kong – A diachronic approach to the use of ethnonyms in public and private discourse

According to Evans (2014; 2015)  the development and status of a new variety can (and should) not only be described by analysing LINGUISTIC FEATURES, but also by including the other parameters of Schneider’s dynamic model (2003, 2007).  He investigated, for instance, the extent of bilingualism by scrutinising jury lists (2014, pp. 583–585), thus finding evidence for changes in the SOCIOLINGUISTIC CONDITIONS in the 1970s. Following up on this, this project takes a diachronic approach to the parameter IDENTITY (RE)CONSTRUCTION.  By using the data collected for the Diachronic Corpus of Hong Kong English (DC-HKE), we investigate how different ethnonyms denoting in- and out-groups, such as Hongkonger and mainlander, are used in public and private discourse. Major research questions include:

  • Does the group of people denoted by the different ethnonyms change over time?
  • How do in-group and out-group terms develop in frequency?
  • In how far do the collocations and connotations of the terms indicate changing attitudes towards the groups?
  • Are there shifts in discourse topics connected to these terms?
  • In how far can changes in reference, frequency, collocations and connotations, and discourse topics be correlated with historical events and previous assumptions about the development of Hong Kong English?

By uncovering various periods of identity reconstructions, this approach contributes to the understanding of the evolution and dynamics of linguistic changes in Hong Kong English.


Prof. Dr. Carolin Biewer    
Dr. Ninja Schulz
Lisa Lehnen


Conference talks

Schulz, N., Biewer, C., & Lehnen, L. “Tracing identity (re)constructions in Hong Kong from 1903-1999.” 40th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 40), University of Neuchâtel, June 1-5, 2019.

Guest lectures

Biewer, C. “Modalising Expressions and Ethnonyms in Hong Kong English: Tracing Diachronic Changes from 1928 to 2018 (from 1903 to 1999).” University of Zurich (UZH), April 10, 2019.

Diachronic change in modalising expressions in Hong Kong English

The modal system of English in its development provides an ideal perspective on language change and variation, and has therefore been studied widely. General changes that have been observed in ENL – such as the declining frequency of core modals connected to an overall trend towards the colloquialisation of the written form (Leech, 2013) – are also gaining momentum in ESL varieties (Collins, 2009) . However, the sociocultural and socio-historical situation in specific postcolonial communities promotes diversity among non-native varieties of English and may cause unique developments in their modal systems.

In this project, we seek to identify patterns in the use of modalising expressions in Hong Kong English in relation to topic, genre and the larger socio-historical context. For this, we study the frequency and function of selected modal verbs in Hong Kong English and compare these with findings from British English and other New Englishes. Our first analyses of press news reports in the DC-HKE reveal a peak in the use of modal verbs in the late 1980s, i.e., exactly the critical period before Hong Kong was handed over to China in 1997 (see Hong Kong project). In further studies, we will extend the analysis to other modalising expressions, other stance markers and other genres to shed light on a possible link between language change and social change in Hong Kong.


Prof. Dr. Carolin Biewer    
Dr. Ninja Schulz
Lisa Lehnen


Biewer, C., Lehnen, L., & Schulz. N. (in prep.) Modalising expressions in Hong Kong English: Tracing diachronic change from 1928 to 2018. In P. Hohaus & R. Schulze (Eds.), Modal Co-text, Modal Context - Re-Assessing Modal Expressions in the Light of Converging Evidence. John Benjamins.

Guest lectures

Biewer, C. Modalising Expressions and Ethnonyms in Hong Kong English: Tracing Diachronic Changes from 1928 to 2018 (from 1903 to 1999). University of Zurich (UZH), April 10, 2019.