Prof. Dr. Carolin BIEWER
Office Phone and Email
Room: 5.E.22
Phone: +49 931 31-80224
Office hours during the remaining part of the winter break: by appointment
Please contact me a week in advance under
Articles about Prof. Biewer's South Pacific research
English: Useful to us, or a threat? Cook Islands NEWS. September 04, 2017.
Mama holds onto her language. Cook Islands NEWS. September 25, 2017.
Merzigerin erforscht Englisch im Südpazifik. Saarbrücker Zeitung. September 29, 2017.
Entsteht hier ein neues Englisch? FAZ. October 20, 2018.
Articles about Prof. Biewer's megacity research
Ein neuer Schwerpunkt in der Englischen Sprachwissenschaft. April 20, 2021.
Research Interests
World Englishes: from a synchronic and a diachronic perspective;
Area studies: English in Australasia, the South Pacific and East Asia;
New Englishes: the dynamics and evolution of second-language varieties of English;
Sociolinguistics: language and ethnicity, language and identity, socio-political and sociocultural motivations of language use, grammar and culture;
Methodology: ethnographic field research, corpus linguistics, statistics for linguists;
Features: lexis, morphology, morphosyntax, features of discourse;
Contrastive linguistics: German – English – Māori – Cook Islands Māori – Fijian;
Corpus stylistics: Shakespeare, Austen, Victorian novels, modern novels, business
Current Research
South Pacific Englishes: Structures, their functions, their social implications;
South Pacific Englishes 10 years on: Language variation and change in Fiji, Samoa and the Cook Islands from 2007 to 2017;
English in Australasia and the South Pacific: grammar and culture;
Tracing identity (re)constructions in immigrant communities: Pacific Islanders in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand;
From English in Hong Kong to Hong Kong English: A diachronic perspective on the emergence of a post-colonial variety in its socio-political context;
Megacities: linguistics meets geography in a comparative approach towards the study of language and space in megacities;
The influence of social factors on adjective comparison in Late Modern English;
Virginia Woolf’s stream of consciousness from a linguistic perspective;
Indefinite pronouns in Elizabeth Gaskell's novels;
University of Heidelberg
1999 Diploma in Mathematics with Philosophy as a minor
2000 Teacher’s Degree (1. Staatsexamen) in English and Mathematics
2005 PhD in English Linguistics and Literary Studies
University of Zurich
2013 Habilitation in English Linguistics, Venia Legendi for English Philology
WS 12/13- SS13 Vertretungsprofessorin (W2) at the University of Giessen
WS 13/14- SS14 Privatdozentin at the University of Zurich
WS 14/15- SS15 Vertretungsprofessorin (W3) at the University of Bonn
2016 ESSE Book Award, category English language and linguistics
University of Heidelberg (2004-2008)
Morphological Typology
Shakespeare's English
Early Modern English
New Zealand English
Middle English
Corpus Linguistics
Exploring English Syntax
Languages of New Zealand
English in the South Pacific
English Lexicology
English in the 19th and 20th Century
University of Zurich (2008-2012) (2013-2014)
English in the Pacific and Australasia
Varieties of English as a Second Language
Introduction to Linguistics I; Introduction to Linguistics II
Corpus-Based Language Studies; English in Modern Times (1700-2000)
Statistics for Linguists (with Dr. Gerold Schneider)
New Englishes
English in New Zealand and the South Pacific
University of Giessen (2012-2013)
English Grammar
English Lexicology
Languages of New Zealand
English in the Pacific and Australasia
Late Modern English
English in Hong Kong
New Englishes
Language and Society
University of Bonn (2014-2015)
English Words: Structure, History and Usage
Corpus Linguistics
Contrastive Linguistics
English Grammar: System and Variation
University of Würzburg (2015- )
Languages of New Zealand
Corpus Linguistics
Special Research Topics in Linguistics
English in Hong Kong
Shakespeare's English
Middle English
Reading and Translating Medival Texts
Contrastive Linguistics
English in the South Pacific and Australasia
Linguistics for Future Teachers of English
Corpora and Discourse
Research Projects in Urban Linguistics
An Introduction to English Linguistics
New Englishes
Language and Society
English in New Zealand and the South Pacific
A History of English (with Dr. Patrick Maiwald, Dr. Ninja Schulz)
World Englishes
Biewer, Carolin 2006. Die Sprache der Liebe in Shakespeares Komödien – eine Semantik und Pragmatik der Leidenschaft. Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
Biewer, Carolin 2015. South Pacific Englishes. A Sociolinguistic and Morphosyntactic Profile of Fiji English, Samoan English and Cook Islands English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [winner of the ESSE Book Award 2016, category English language and linguistics; winner of the Habilitationspreis des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes]
Co-edited books
Hundt, Marianne, Nesselhauf, Nadja & Biewer, Carolin 2007 (eds.). Corpus Linguistics and the Web. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Hundt, Marianne & Biewer, Carolin 2007. "The dynamics of inner and outer circle varieties in the Pacific." In: Marianne Hundt, Nadja Nesselhauf & Carolin Biewer (eds.). Corpus Linguistics and the Web. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 249-269.
Biewer, Carolin 2007. "South Pacific Englishes – the influence of New Zealand English and the Oceanic substrate languages." New Zealand English Journal 21: 58-63.
Biewer, Carolin 2007. "The semantics of passion in Shakespeare's comedies – an interdisciplinary study." English Studies 88 (5): 506-521.
Biewer, Carolin 2008. "South Pacific Englishes – unity and diversity in the usage of the present perfect." In: Terttu Nevalainen et al. (eds.). Dynamics of Linguistic Variation: Corpus Evidence on English Past and Present. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 203-219.
Biewer, Carolin 2008. "Concord patterns in South Pacific Englishes – the influence of New
Zealand English and the local substrate." In: Klaus Stierstorfer (ed.). Anglistentag 2007 Münster, Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 331-343.
Biewer, Carolin 2009. "Dietetics as a key to language and character in Shakespeare’s comedy." English Studies 90 (1): 17-33.
Biewer, Carolin 2009. "Passive constructions in Fiji English – a corpus-based study." In: Andreas H. Jucker, Daniel Schreier & Marianne Hundt (eds.). Corpora: Pragmatics and Discourse. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 361-377.
Biewer, Carolin 2009. "The semantics of passion in Shakespeare's comedies." Shakespearean Criticism vol. 122, edited by Michelle Lee. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 199-208 (reprint).
Biewer, Carolin 2009. "Modals and semi-modals of obligation and necessity in South Pacific Englishes." Anglistik 20 (2): 41-55.
Biewer, Carolin, Hundt, Marianne & Zipp, Lena 2010. "'How' a Fiji corpus? Challenges in the compilation of an ESL ICE component." Icame Journal 34: 5-23.
Biewer, Carolin 2011. "Modal auxiliaries in second-language varieties of English: a learner’s perspective." In: Joybrato Mukherjee & Marianne Hundt (eds.). Exploring Second-Language Varieties of English and Learner Englishes: Bridging a Paradigm Gap. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 7-33.
Deuber, Dagmar, Biewer, Carolin, Hackert, Stephanie & Hilbert, Michaela 2012. "Will and would in selected New Englishes: general vs. variety-specific tendencies." In: Marianne Hundt & Ulrike Gut (eds.). Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide: Corpus-based Studies of New Englishes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 77-102.
Biewer, Carolin 2012. "Acrolectal English in the South Pacific: emerging standards?" In: Raymond Hickey (ed.). Standards of English. Codified Varieties around the World. Cambridge: CUP, 336-353.
Hackert, Stephanie, Deuber, Dagmar, Biewer, Carolin & Hilbert, Michaela 2013. "Modals of possibility, ability and permission in selected Englishes". eVarieng 13. <>.
Biewer, Carolin & Burridge, Kate 2020. "World Englishes old and new: English in Australasia and the South Pacific". In: Daniel Schreier, Marianne Hundt & Edgar Schneider (eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: CUP, 282-308.
Biewer, Carolin, Lehnen, Lisa & Schulz, Ninja 2020. "'The future elected government should fully represent the interests of Hongkong people' – Diachronic change in the use of modalising expressions in Hong Kong English between 1928 and 2018." In: Pascal Hohaus & Rainer Schulze (eds.). Re-Assessing Modal Expressions – Categories, Co-text, and Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 311-341.
Schulz, Ninja, Biewer, Carolin & Lehnen, Lisa 2020. "Hongkongites, Hong Kongers, Hong Kong Belongers? Tracing identity (re)constructions in news discourse in Hong Kong from 1903 to 1999." English World-Wide, 41(3), 295-324.
Biewer, Carolin 2020. "Samoan English: An emerging variety in the South Pacific." World Englishes 2020: 1-21.
Burridge, Kate & Biewer, Carolin 2021. "Where grammar meets culture: Pronominal systems in Australasia and the South Pacific revisited." In: Pam Peters & Kate Burridge (eds.). Exploring the Ecology of World Englishes in the Twenty-First Century: Language, Society and Culture. Edinburgh: EUP, 260-279.
Mast, Johannes, Sapena-Moll, Marta, Mühlbauer, Martin, Biewer, Carolin & Taubenböck, Hannes 2023. "The migrand perspective - Measuring migrants' movements using geolocated tweets." Journal of Population, Space and Place. e2732.
Senaratne, Hansi, Mühlbauer, Martin, Kiefl, Ralph, Cárdenas, Andrea, Prathapan, Lallu, Riedlinger, Torsten, Biewer, Carolin & Taubenböck, Hannes 2023. "The unseen - An investigative analysis of thematic and spatial coverage of news on the ongoing refugee crisis in West Africa." MDPI ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 12, 175.
Lemoine-Rodríguez, Richard, Biewer, Carolin & Taubenböck, Hannes 2024. "Can Social Media Data Help to Understand the Socio-spatial Heterogeneity of the Interests and Concerns of Urban Citizens? A Twitter Data Assessment for Mexico City". Recent Developments in Geospatial Information Sciences Springer, 119-133. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-61440-8_10.
Lemoine-Rodriguez, Richard, Mast, Johannes, Mühlbauer, Martin, Mandery, Nico, Biewer, Carolin and Taubenböck, Hannes 2024. "The voices of the displaced: Mobility and Twitter conversations of migrants of Ukraine in 2022". Information Processing & Management. 61(3):103670.
Mast, Johannes, Lemoine-Rodríguez, Richard, Rittlinger, Vanessa, Mühlbauer, Martin, Biewer, Carolin, Geiß, Christian & Taubenböck, Hannes 2025. "Geospatiality:
the effect of topics on the presence of geolocation in English text data". International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Schulz, Ninja, Lehnen, Lisa, Biewer, Carolin 2025. „I shall be glad if you will note …” Studying early 20th-century business correspondence from Hong Kong to assess variety specific genre developments. In: Sofia Rüdiger, Theresa Neumeier, Sven Leuckert & Sarah Buschfeld (eds.): World Englishes in the 21st Century. New Perspectives and Challenges to the Dynamic Model. Edinburgh: EUP, 122-141.