Lemoine Rodriguez

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Office Phone and Email
John Skilton Str. 4a
Room: 01.B.10
Phone: +49 931 31-81019
Email: richard.lemoine-rodriguez@uni-wuerzburg.de
Find me on:
Scholar, Researchgate, Twitter, ORCID, Global Land Programme, Linkedin
Office hours during the winter break 2025
Please contact me in advance to make an appointment.
Research Interests
Research approach
I approach cities as complex socio-ecological systems. My research integrates concepts and state-of-the-art methods from urban ecology, geoinformatics and digital humanities to generate evidence-based knowledge to contribute to making more livable cities. I focus on the spatiotemporal characterization of the physical and social urban dimensions, aiming to unveil complex interconnections and counterintuitive relationships between humans and their main habitat: Cities. My goal is to represent the inherent complexity of urban ecosystems to detect global regularities, as well as the fundamental differences between cities, aiming to find the underlying properties driving their evolution. Cities are as much of a challenge as an opportunity towards sustainability.
Research interests
Urban form, Social perception, Urban big data, Urban heat island, Use of the urban space, Remote sensing, Digital Humanities, Geoinformatics, Urban green spaces, Urban ecosystem services, Intraurban heterogeneity, Urban regularities, Time-series data, Spatial modelling, Landscape ecology, Climate change.
Dr. rer. nat., Institute of Geography, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB; Germany)
Cumulative dissertation: Urban form, urban warming and time. From global regularities to local heterogeneities.
Master in Geography, Environmental Geography Research Center (CIGA)
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Thesis: Conurbations of the city of Morelia, Michoacán, in the period of 1970–2010 and its influence on the sense of belonging to the place of its inhabitants.
Bachelor in Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Veracruz (UV; Mexico)
Thesis: Changes in the vegetation cover of the city of Xalapa-Enríquez, Veracruz and surrounding areas during the period of 1950–2010.
Peer-reviewed scientific journal articles
Mast, J., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Rittlinger, V., Mühlbauer, M., Biewer, C., Geiß, C., and Taubenböck, H. 2025. Geospatiality: the effect of topics on the presence of geolocation in English text data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 1–32. https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2025.2460051
Lemoine-Rodriguez, R., Vieyra, A. and MacGregor-Fors, I. 2025. Connection beyond borders: exploring sense of belonging across urban satellites conurbed by a medium-sized Mexican city. Urban Ecosystems, 28(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-024-01630-1
Inostroza, L. and Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. 2024. [In Spanish] Is regulatory protection of the territory empirically detectable? Remote sensing analysis of temperature and vegetation trends in the northern area of Bogota. Investigaciones Geográficas. 113, e60771. https://doi.org/10.14350/rig.60771
Lemoine-Rodriguez, R., Mast, J., Mühlbauer, M., Mandery, N., Biewer, C. and Taubenböck, H. 2024. The voices of the displaced: Mobility and Twitter conversations of migrants of Ukraine in 2022. Information Processing & Management. 61(3):103670. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2024.103670
Chakraborty, S., Novotný, J., Maity, I., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., and Follmann, A. 2024. Same planet but different worlds! Diverging convergence pattern of urban form typologies across 413 cities with million+ inhabitants and their sustainability trade-offs. Habitat International. 145, 103024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2024.103024
Lemoine-Rodriguez, R., García-Arroyo, M., Gómez-Martínez, M., Back, M., Lindeman, T. and MacGregor-Fors, I. 2024. Unveiling urban ecological integrity: spatially explicit assessment in contrasting environments. Urban Ecosystems. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-024-01517-1
Grudzielanek, M., Lemoine-Rodriguez, R., Glocke, P., Scholz, T and Zepp, Harald. 2023. Cold spots oder hot spots: Thermische Muster und Kaltluftabfluss auf Bergehalden im Ruhrgebiet. Berichte Geographie und Landeskunde. 96(3):189-214. https://doi.org/10.25162/bgl-2023-0010
Ayala-Carrillo, M., Farfán, M., Cárdenas-Nielsen A., and Lemoine-Rodríguez R. 2022. Are Wildfires in the Wildland-Urban Interface Increasing Temperatures? A Land Surface Temperature Assessment in a Semi-Arid Mexican City. Land. 11(12):2105. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11122105
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Inostroza, L., Falfán, I. and MacGregor-Fors, I. 2022. Too hot to handle? On the cooling capacity of urban green spaces in a Neotropical Mexican city. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 74: 127633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2022.127633
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Inostroza, L. and Zepp, H. 2022. Does urban climate follow urban form? Analysing intraurban LST trajectories versus urban form trends in 3 cities with different background climates. Science of the Total Environment. 830: 154570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154570
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Inostroza, L. and Zepp, H. 2022. Intraurban heterogeneity of space-time land surface temperature trends in six climate-diverse cities. Science of the Total Environment. 804: 150037. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150037
MacGregor-Fors, I., Falfán, I., García-Arroyo, M., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Gómez- Martínez, M.A., Marín-Gómez, O.H., Pérez-Maqueo, O. and Equihua, M., 2021. A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Cities through Ecosystem Integrity. Land. 11:3. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11010003
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Inostroza, L. and Zepp, H. 2020. Urban form datasets of 194 cities delineated based on the contiguous urban fabric for 1990 and 2015. Data in Brief. 33: 106369. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2020.106369
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Inostroza, L. and Zepp, H. 2020. The global homogenization of urban form. An assessment of 194 cities across time. Landscape and Urban Planning. 204: 103949. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103949
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., MacGregor-Fors, I. and Muñoz-Robles, C. 2019. Six decades of urban green change in a neotropical city: a case study of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Urban Ecosystems. 22(3): 609-618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-019-00839-9
Mas, J-F., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., González, R., López-Sánchez, J., Piña-Garduño, A. and Herrera-Flores, E. 2017. Land Use/Land Cover change detection combining automatic processing and visual interpretation. European Journal of Remote Sensing. 50(1): 626-635. https://doi.org/10.1080/22797254.2017.1387505
Mas, J-F., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., González, R., López-Sánchez, J., Piña-Garduño, A. and Herrera-Flores, E. 2017. [In Spanish] Assessment of deforestation rates in Michoacan at detailed scale through a hybrid classification method of SPOT images. Madera y Bosques. 23(2): 119-132. https://doi.org/10.21829/myb.2017.2321472
Mas, J-F., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. and Taud, H. 2016. Towards a forest monitoring system in near-real time. Investigaciones geográficas. (91):168-175. https://doi.org/10.14350/rig.56889
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Pérez-Vega, A. y Mas, J-F (eds). 2024. Advances in the study of urban heat islands in Latin America [In Spanish]. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)-Universidad de Guanajuato. Pp. 395. ISBN 978-607-30-9293-7. https://doi.org/10.22201/ciga.9786073092937e.2024
Bollo, M., Hernández-Santana, J., Montano, R., Morales, L. M., Ortiz, A., Flores-Diaz, A., Hillon, Y., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Bautista, M., Amador, A., Vargas-Mendoza, F., Cuevas, G., Navarrete, J. A., Ramirez-Sánchez, L. G., Muñiz, A., Mendoza, M., Solis, B., Aguirre, R., Sánchez-Calderon, O., Perez-Chacon, A. and Silva, D. 2017. [In Spanish] Environmental status of the Santiago-Guadalajara river basin. UNAM-SEMARNAT- SEMADET. Pp. 161. ISBN 978-607-97786-5-1. http://sigat.semadet.jalisco.gob.mx/pofa/index_archivos/libro/Libro%20SACRSG_vf.pdf
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Pérez-Vega, A. and Mas, J-F. [In Spanish] Progress in the study of urban heat islands in Latin America. UNAM-Universidad de Guanajato (Editing in progress).
Book chapters
Ayala-Carillo, M., Farfán, M., and Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. 2024. Grassland-scrub fire risk model and the increase in land surface temperature after the 2021 fires in the Metropolitan Area of the city of Guanajuato [In Spanish]. In J. Hernández Gutiérrez & A. Espinoza Maya (Eds.), Territorio, paisaje y Urbanismo. El pasado y presente del espacio geográfico (pp. 93–102). Universidad de Guanajuato. ISBN 978-607-580-111-7.
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Pérez-Vega, A. y Mas, J-F. 2024. Land surface temperature trends in two medium-sized Mexican cities and their agricultural peripheries during the period 2003-2020 [In Spanish]. In: Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Pérez-Vega, A. y Mas, J-F (eds). 2024. Advances in the study of urban heat islands in Latin America [In Spanish]. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)-Universidad de Guanajuato. Pp. 235-266. ISBN 978-607-30-9293-7. https://doi.org/10.22201/ciga.9786073092937e.2024
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., Biewer, C. and Taubenböck, H. 2024. Can Social Media Data Help to Understand the Socio-spatial Heterogeneity of the Interests and Concerns of Urban Citizens? A Twitter Data Assessment for Mexico City. In: Carlos-Martinez, H., Tapia-McClung, R., Moctezuma-Ochoa, D and Alegre-Mondragón, A. (Eds.), Recent Developments in Geospatial Information Sciences: Selected Papers from iGISc 2023. Springer. Pp. 119.133. ISBN 978-3-031-61439-2. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61440-8_10
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. and Barajas A. 2021. Modelos de impresión tridimensional del relieve mediante programas y datos de libre acceso [In Spanish] Printing of three dimensional relief models employing open source data and software. In: Carmona, E. and Cuevas, G. (Eds.), Modelos tridimensionales en la geografía. Elaboración y perspectivas de aplicación. Primera edición, Morelia, Michoacán de Ocampo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental. Pp. 120-145. ISBN 9786073041713. https://doi.org/10.22201/ciga.9786073041713e.2021
https://www.ciga.unam.mx/publicaciones/images/abook_file/9786073041713- Modelos%20tridimensionales_digital.pdf
Piña-Garduño, A., Mas, J-F. and Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. 2020. Fiabilidad temática de cartografía de cubierta/uso de suelo del estado de Michoacán [In Spanish] Thematic accuracy assessment of the land/use cover cartography of the state of Michoacan. In: Flamenco, A. and Alatorre, L. (Eds.), Innovaciones tecnológicas y metodológicas en el análisis geoespacial– Primera edición, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Pp.115-128. ISBN: 978-607-520-370-6.
Mas, J-F., González, R., Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., López-Sánchez, J., Piña-Garduño, A. and Herrera-Flores, E. 2016. [In Spanish] Subsequent updates of land cover maps combining image segmentation and visual interpretation. In: Alatorre, L. C., Bravo, L. C., Wiebe, L. C., Torres, M. E., Uc, M. I. and Gonzales, M. O. (Eds.), [In spanish] Territorial studies in Mexico: remote sensing and spatial information systems. Pp. 33-47. ISBN 978- 607-520-215-0.
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. and MacGregor-Fors, I. 2024. [In Spanish] The climatic challenges of Xalapa. Diario de Xalapa (Ciencia y Luz section). Published on April 13 th. https://www.diariodexalapa.com.mx/doble-via/ciencia/ciencia-y-luz-los-desafios-climaticos-de-xalapa-11751337.html
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R., MacGregor-Fors, I. and Muñoz-Robles, C. 2017. [In Spanish] How Green is the city of flowers?. Diario de Xalapa (Ciencia y Luz section). Published on Aug 29th. https://www.uv.mx/cienciauv/files/2017/08/028-CYL-QUE%CC%81-TAN- VERDE-ES-XALAPA-01.pdf
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. and Mas, J-F. 2016. [In Spanish] Fire damaged 460 ha of the Cerro de la cruz: UNAM. Cambio de MICHOACÁN. (Specials section). Published on May 9th. http://www.cambiodemichoacan.com.mx/nota-n4154
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. 2016. [In Spanish] How has the city of Morelia grown in the last decades? Bulletin UNAM, Morelia campus (students section). Published on Sept 12th. http://www.morelia.unam.mx/vinculacion/boletines/63_2016%20sep-oct.pdf
Developed software
Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. and Mas, J.-F. 2020. LSTtools: An R package to process thermal data derived from Landsat and MODIS images. (Version v0.0.2). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4010732
University of Würzburg (2022-)
Spatio-temporal dynamics of urban systems, applied Earth Observation and Geoanalysis of the Living Environment (EAGLE) Master program.
Gesellschaft der spanischen Forscher in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (CERFA/SFBD; 2022)
R for scientific data analysis: An introductory course. Course offered to CERFA/SFBD members.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2019)
GIS-Modelling and Assessment of Ecosystem Services, Master program in Geography.
The College of the Southern Border (ECOSUR; 2017)
Land use/cover change detection employing the hybrid method FOMIX. Course offered to researchers and research assistants from ECOSUR.
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM; 2015-2017)
Surface Urban Heat Island assessment by means of the LSTtools R package. Workshop offered to graduate students, researchers, members of private companies and decision makers from diverse Latin American countries interested on monitoring urban climate change.
Remote Sensing and Image Processing, Master program in Earth Sciences.
Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Bachelor program in Geohistory.
Spatial Modelling, Master program in Comprehensive Landscape Management.
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Bachelor program in Geohistory.
Remote sensing, Bachelor program in Geohistory.
Historical Cartography, Bachelor program in Geohistory.
University of Veracruz (2013)
Use of ARCGIS 10 basic tools, Bachelor program in Biology.
Global Land Programme (GLP)
Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP)
Young Ecosystem Services Specialist (YESS)
Society for Urban Ecology (SURE)
Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally (RRING)
Sociedad Latinoamericana en Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Espacial (SELPER)
International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC)