
Research Fellow
Office Phone and Email
Emil-Hilb-Weg 23
Room: 01.018
Phone: +49 931 31-83226
Email: lisa.lehnen@uni-wuerzburg.de
Office hours during the winter break 2025
Office hours by appointment.
Research Interests
Pragmatics, Variational Pragmatics, Intercultural Communication, Corpus Linguistics, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, World Englishes, Sociolinguistics
Current Research
PhD project – working title: “Integrating corpus-based and interactional approaches to pragmatic variation in World Englishes – A study of DISAGREEMENTS among speakers of English in Hong Kong”
Universität Duisburg-Essen
2013 Bachelor of Arts “Anglophone Studies” and “Spanische Sprache u. Kultur”
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
2016 Master of Arts “Applied Linguistics”
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Tutorials (2013-2016)
Introduction to Language and Communication Studies
Seminar and exercise for graduate students:
The Pragmatics of World Englishes (Winter 2018/19)
Universität Würzburg
Intercultural Communication
Language and Gender
That's no way to talk! (In)appropriateness in language use
English as a Lingua Franca
Asian Englishes
Language and Age
Register and Genre
English as a Foreign Language
Language on Social Media
Lehnen, L. (2023.). Review of Bolton, Botha & Kirkpatrick: The Handbook of Asian Englishes (2020). English World-Wide 44(2), 303-311.
Lehnen, L. [with Carolin Biewer & Ninja Schulz] (in preparation) “I shall be glad if you will note...” – Studying early 20th-century business correspondence from Hong Kong to assess variety-specific genre developments. In S. Buschfeld, S. Leuckert, T. Neumeier, & S. Rüdiger (Eds.), 20 Years of the Dynamic Model: New Perspectives and Challenges in World Englishes. Edinburgh University Press.
Lehnen, L. (2020). An der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis: Das Unterrichten von Pragmatik im Fremdsprachenunterricht Englisch aus Sicht von (angehenden) Lehrkräften. In H. Limberg & K. Glaser (Eds.), Pragmatische Kompetenzen im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht (pp. 317–350). Peter Lang.
Lehnen, L. [with Carolin Biewer & Ninja Schulz] (2020). “The future elected government should fully represent the interests of Hongkong people” – Diachronic change in the use of modalising expressions in Hong Kong English between 1928 and 2018. In P. Hohaus & R. Schulze (Eds.), Re-assessing modal expressions: Categories, co-text, and context (pp. 311–341). John Benjamins.
Lehnen, L. [with Carolin Biewer & Ninja Schulz] (2020). Hongkongites, Hong Kongers, Hong Kong Belongers? Tracing identity (re)constructions in news discourse in Hong Kong from 1903 to 1999. English World-Wide 41(3), 295–324.
Lehnen, L. (2016). Learning to Do Small Talk – Ideal or Reality? Teachers' Beliefs about the Development of Pragmatic Competence in EFL Classrooms [M.A. thesis]. Rheinische Friederich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn.
- Cultural taboos in a global world - a sociopragmatic perspective (Talk). BaTEG Summer School 2022, Bamberg, 28 September 2022.
- Pragmatics and World Englishes – Assessing theoretical and methodological challenges in the study of DISAGREEMENTS in Hong Kong English (Talk). 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE 9), University of Ljubljana, 15-17 September 2022.
- “I shall be glad if you will note…” – Studying early 20th century business correspondence from Hong Kong to assess variety-specific genre developments. [with Ninja Schulz, Carolin Biewer] (Talk). 43rd Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 40), Cambridge, 27-30 July 2022.
- Compiling a diachronic corpus to trace variety-specific genre conventions across time: challenges and solutions for automatising text recognition of business correspondence from Hong Kong [with Ninja Schulz, Carolin Biewer, Christian Reul] (Talk). 43rd Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 40), Cambridge, 27-30 July 2022.
- Learning to teach pragmatics – Providing some insight into the challenges and chances for prospective EFL teachers. ESF Dialog, University of Freiburg, 30 September 2021.
- The pragmatics of DISAGREEING in Hong Kong – Combining corpus linguistic and interactional approaches (Online talk). New Methods for the Pragmatics of New Englishes Workshop, 30 April 2021.
- “oh really ? but uh (.) i i think” – The use of discourse particles in DISAGREEMENTS among speakers of English in Hong Kong (Online talk). NEL-2 (Nachwuchstagung für Englische Linguistik), 22 February 2021.
- A multimodal analysis of DISAGREEMENT in an intercultural context (Online guest lecture). bonn applied English linguistics (bael), 18 January 2021.
- Language use in the peripheries and centres of megacities: Comparing Hong Kong and Moscow [with Carolin Biewer, Elena Dieser & Ninja Schulz] (Talk). 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE 8), Bamberg, 26-28 September 2019.
- Language and space in megacities – Developing an agenda for comparative research [with Carolin Biewer & Ninja Schulz] (Workshop). 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE 8), Bamberg, 26-28 September 2019.
- “No Disagreement, Just Exchanging Opinion.” – Reconciling Speaker and Researcher Perspective on disagreements (Talk). Forum Junge Englische Linguistik in Bayern (FJUEL) 2019, Bayreuth, 12-13 September 2019.
- English in the peripheries and centres of megacities: Exploring the case of Hong Kong [with Carolin Biewer & Ninja Schulz] (Talk). 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE 24), Limerick, 20-22 June 2019.
- Tracing identity (re)constructions in Hong Kong from 1903 to 1999 [with Carolin Biewer & Ninja Schulz] (Talk). 40th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 40), Neuchâtel, 1-5 June 2019.
- "But I think uh the situation in Hong Kong is different" – DISAGREEMENT in Hong Kong English (Talk). Fifth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE), London. 17-20 July 2018.
- Does the successful integration of pragmatics into the foreign language classroom start at university? Asking prospective teachers of English (Poster). ALP Jahrestagung (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Linguistische Pragmatik e.V.), Stuttgart. 6 March 2018.
- Disagreeing in second-language varieties of English and learner Englishes (Talk). ISLE Summer School (International Society for the Linguistics of English), Regensburg. 4-7 October 2017.
- Studying pragmatic variation in second-language varieties of English with ICE – challenges and opportunities (Talk). 38th Annual International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 38), Prague. 24-28 May 2017.
- Learning to do small talk –ideal or reality? Teachers' beliefs about the development of pragmatic competence in EFL classrooms (Poster). NEL-1 (Nachwuchstagung für Englische Linguistik), Würzburg. 1 July 2016.
- "Small Talk wär mal ganz gut, glaub ich." Pragmatic competence from the perspective of EFL teachers (Talk). BAELc5 (Fifth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference), Bonn. 3-4 June 2016.
- Gender Stereotypes and Discursive Strategies in Online Dating: A Contrastive Study of US American and Spanish Males (Talk). BAELc3 (Third Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference), Bonn. 23-24 May 2014.