Dr. Patrick MAIWALD

Akademischer Rat
Office Phone and Email
Room: 5.E.5
Phone: +49 931 31-82546
Office hours during the winter break 2025
Office hours (hybrid [=on campus and via Zoom], unless otherwise indicated - see the WueCampus room for more details):
Tue 18 February, 10-12 (Fachbereichssprechstunde)
Fri 21 February 10-11
Wed 26 February 10-11
Thu 27 February 10-11
Wed 26 March 10-11
Please sign up here:
The password you will need in order to enter the WueCampus room is: Maiwald
Note that you need to sign up for my office hour at least one day in advance.
Corpus-linguistic office hour:
Please make an appointment via e-mail.
Research Interests
English historical linguistics, language change and variation, corpus linguistics and quantitative methods, phonetics and phonology, medieval English, stylistics, modern takes on past language stages, English literature, mythology and fantastic fiction
2016 PhD in English Linguistics, Justus Liebig University Gießen
2015 Certificate for Teaching Competencies in Higher Education (Kompetenz für professionelle Hochschullehre), Hochschuldidaktisches Netzwerk Mittelhessen (HDM)
2007 Magister Artium in English Literature, English Linguistics and Philosophy, Justus Liebig University Gießen
University of Würzburg (2016-)
Lecture: [with Ninja Schulz and Carolin Biewer] A History of English
Old English
Middle English
Early Modern English
Corpus Linguistics
Topics in Phonology
Pidgins and Creoles
Language Change
Language Contact in the History of English
Historical Pragmatics
Empirical Linguistics
English in the United States and Canada
Lexicology and Phraseology
Meaning in Language
Linguistic Approaches to Literary Texts
Corpus Linguistics and the History of English
Language in Literature
Research Projects in Linguistics
Reading and Translating Middle and Old English Texts
Staatsexamensvorbereitung Altenglisch
Staatsexamensvorbereitung Mittelenglisch
University of Gießen (2008-2016)
Introductory course: Introduction to English Linguistics
Old English
Middle English
Early Modern English
American English
Linguistic Stylistics
Meaningful Sounds: Phonology
Historical Text Linguistics
Historical Pragmatics
Diachronic Corpus Linguistics
Old English and Its Closest Relatives
Medieval English: Language and Texts
Historical Pragmatics
Further courses and tutorials:
Corpus Linguistics with WordSmith Tools
Corpus Linguistics with AntConc
Dealing with Quantitative Data in Linguistics
Schreiben und Präsentieren für Sprachwissenschaftler (Writing and Presenting for Linguists)
B.A.sics for Linguistics
Academic Skills for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (ASk4TEFL)
Tutorenschulung: Fachübergreifende didaktische Qualifizierung mit dem Schwerpunkt „Veranstaltungs- und Sitzungsplanung“
University of Potsdam (2015)
Seminar: Linguistic Stylistics
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (2010-2011)
Introductory course: English Linguistics
Seminars and Tutorials (Übungen):
American English
Introduction to the History of the English Language
Examenskurs Sprachwissenschaft (Lehramt Englisch als Unterrichtsfach)
Maiwald, P. (2017). The vocalization of semivowels in Medieval English: A quantitative study. Gießener Elektronische Bibliothek.
Maiwald, P. (2008). The journey in George MacDonald’s fantastic fiction. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
reviewed in:
- Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik 26, 2008, pp. 280-281, review by Adelheid Kegler
- Anglistik: International journal of English studies 20 (2), 2009, pp. 199-201, review by Dieter Petzold
Maiwald, P. (2013). Say what I am called: Literarische Rätsel lösen und selber stellen. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch, 47 (125), pp. 20-23.
Maiwald, P. (2011). Exploring a corpus of George MacDonald’s fiction. North Wind: A Journal of George MacDonald Studies, 30, pp. 50-84.
reviewed in:
- Mythlore 119/120, 2012, p. 196, review by Janet Brennan Croft
Conference talks and guest lectures
Symposium "Old Sources – New Creations: Modern Takes on Past English Language Stages", University of Stavanger, 9 September 2022. Talk on "'When first he came upon the holy wood': Historical mashup language in recent 'Shakespearean' retellings of Hollywood films." [via Zoom]
Conference "Narrare – producere – ordinare. New Approaches to the Middle Ages", Universität Wien, 7-9 March 2019. Talk on "Über Schreibungen zur Lautung: Brauchbarmachen und Gebrauch mittelenglischer Texte für die korpusbasierte Lautwandelforschung."
[with Klaus Hofmann] 11th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME XI), Università degli Studi di Firenze, 5-8 February 2019. Talk on “The vestiges of final schwa in late Middle English: A quantitative reassessment.”
Lecture series “English Speaking Cultures”, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, WS 2016/17. Lecture on “Vital fossils: The English vocabulary as a window into the past.”
[with Ninja Schulz] 6th FJUEL (Forum Junge Englische Linguistik in Bayern), Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, 16-17 September 2016. Workshop on “Selected resources and tools for quantitative diachronic linguistics.”
19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-19), University Duisburg-Essen, 22 - 26 August 2016. Talk on "Voiced velars vocalized: Quantifying the early Middle English evidence of a sound change."
Lecture series “Sprache und Kommunikation in Science Fiction und phantastischer Literatur”, Dresden University of Technology, SS 2016. Lecture on “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: ‘Neo-Frühneuenglisch’ als Mashup-Varietät.”
Lecture series “English Literary History in Context (Netzwerk Literaturgeschichte)”, Justus Liebig University Gießen, WS 2013/14 and SS 2014. Lecture on “Old English Literature.”
16th Conference “Studientag zum Englischen Mittelalter” (SEM XVI), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, 7-8 March 2014. Talk on “From strong to sonorous: A quantitative analysis of the development of the semivowel [j] in medieval English.”
33rd Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 33), “Corpora at the Centre and Crossroads of English Linguistics”, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 30 May - 3 June 2012. Talk on “Assessing statistical methods for categorizing Old English texts.”
Translations (non-academic)
Shaia, A. J. (2019). Rückkehr vom Jakobsweg (P. Maiwald, Trans.) [Returning from Camino]. Santa Fe, NM: Quadratos, LLC (Original work published 2018).
Tompkins, A. (2017). Das Geheimnis des Feuerbaums (P. Maiwald, Trans.) [Within the ancient forest]: Veridon (Original work published 1996).