English Teaching Methodology

GoTed Week: Diversity

Datum: 08.05.2023, 10:00 - 11.05.2023, 16:00 Uhr
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann and Jeanine Steinbock

Diversity is an opportunity! Finding common ground, celebrating differences, and learning from each other is the topic we are going to deal with in Würzburg (Germany) from 8-11 May 2023.

SAVE THE DATE Global Teacher Education 8-11 May 2023, Würzburg

Diversity is an opportunity! Finding common ground, celebrating differences, and learning from each other is the topic we are going to deal with in Würzburg (Germany) from 8-11 May 2023.

Different religions, different languages, different cultures, different upbringings. This time, we are looking at how to benefit from being different in a teaching context. In what way can we be different? What are best practice ideas teachers apply in heterogenous classes? How can students be prepared for what they need to deal with later as teachers? We neither want to shy away from discussing the challenges diversity might produce and address racism or antisemitism, for instance. A diversity of speakers from JMU, partner universities and other educational institutions will provide their perspectives based on their research and experiences.

The GoTEd Week is the annual conference of the project Global Teacher Education (GoTEd) that stimulates the internationalization of the Teacher Education programs at the University of Würzburg. It is hosted by the Professional School of Education (PSE) and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

On 10 May, 10-12, Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann and Jeanine Steinbock (TEFL Chair) will take part with a workshop on "Inter- and Transcultural Learning in Social Virtual Reality". In addition to a theoretical insight into the research project, participants will have the opportunity to experience the virtual environment using VR-Headsets and Goggles.

The 3. GoTEd Week may be of interest for students in teacher training programs (“Lehramt”), university lecturers and schoolteachers. – We are hoping for a wide variety! Please feel free to forward the invitation to interested parties. Participation is free of charge.

Contact person: Anne-Kathrin Willeke,, +49 931 31 84615 (Please drop me a line if you have questions about the event!)
