English Teaching Methodology

Invited Lecture by Prof. Dr. Eisenmann: Environmental Discourses in Literature Classes: Nick Hayes' Graphic Novel 'The Rime of the Modern Mariner'

Datum: 20.02.2024, 09:09 - 22.02.2024, 14:00 Uhr
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann

Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann will participate with a lecture at the two-day virtual conference on Literature and the Anthropocene in EFL Education hosted by the Luleå University of Technology  (Sweden). The conference brings together an international group of researchers, who will share their insights into how literature studies in EFL education can address topics associated with the Anthropocene.

Prof. Dr. Eisenmann's lecture will take place on the Febuary 20 at 2pm.

Find the Conference Program here!

The conference is free of charge, but registration is required. The registration is open until 14 February 2024.

For further information visit the official Website.
