English Teaching Methodology

TEFL-basics Workshop: Media and Materials

Media and Materials
Datum: 28.11.2023, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Vortragende: PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna

In the summer term 2023, very enriching seminars in TEFL methodology took place jointly for the students of Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) and Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University (Ukraine) via hybrid teaching. These hybrid seminars were led by their dedicated teachers, PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna (JMU) and Dr. Kateryna Lut (ZPNU), and will be held again in the upcoming winter semester 2023/24. Together, they explore the intricacies of different subjects in the diverse realm of TEFL methodology. The participants of the seminars had the perfect opportunity to share their ideas on skills, competences, and strategies during TEFL classes as well as moving further and considering interdisciplinary approaches, multicultural perspectives, and transnational teaching practices. In their presentations and interactive work on a digital whiteboard, discussions, and reflections, the participants shared their ideas and worked effectively.

On 28th November 2023 from 14-16 pm students from JMU and ZPNU will meet again in a hybrid-format session devoted to media and materials with a brief introduction to the upcoming seminar “Data-driven EFL – learn, teach, research”.

If you are interested in joining our upcoming seminars, please contact us via email: 

 PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna


Further Information: our cooperation with ZPNU
