
Nadine Krüger
Englische Fachdidaktik
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Room: Phil. Institut | 5.U.9
Office hours: Please contact via E-Mail.
Tel.: +49 (0)931 31-85019
- Early foreign language learning
- Teaching literature
- Inter- and transcultural learning
- Literary & Cultural Studies: young adult dystopian literature; Victorian literature; cultural space(s)
Doctoral Dissertation: 'The Odds Are Never in Our Favor’: Constructions of Adolescence in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction and Its Potential for the EFL Classroom.
Theurer, C., Kindermann, K., Fromm, J., Krüger, N., Eisenmann, M. & Pohlmann-Rother, S. (2024). Das StoryTimE-Projekt - Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie zur Rolle des Feedbacks im digital gestützten Englischunterricht. In Flügel, A., Gruhn, A., Landrock, I., Lange, J., Müller-Naendrup, B., Wiesemann, J., Büker, P. & Rank, A. (eds.). Grundschulforschung meets Kindheitsforschung reloaded (pp. 451-458). Klinkhardt. (read here)
Krüger, N. (2024). Mental Health in the School Context: Interviews with a Psychotherapist and an English Teacher. In Eisenmann, M., Ludwig, C., Summer, T., Becker, D. & Krüger, N. (Eds.). Mental Health in English Language Education (pp. 31-46). Narr.
Eisenmann, M., Ludwig, C., Summer, T., Becker, D. & Krüger, N. (Eds.). (2024). Mental Health in English Language Education. Narr.
Eisenmann, M. & Krüger, N. (2021). Environmental Education in the EFL Classroom through Young Adult Dystopian Fiction. In C. Ludwig & C. Deetjen (Eds.), The World Beyond: Developing Critical Environmental Literacies in ELT (pp. 85–103). Winter.
Krüger, N. (2019). The Odds Are Never in Our Favor: Dystopia as Metaphor for Adolescence. In C. Ludwig & Maruo-Schröder, N. (Eds.), Issues in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction. (pp. 161-178). Winter.
Krüger, N., Ludwig, C. & Mauro-Schröder, N. (2019). Students Exploring Dystopias in Fiction and Film: A Classroom Practice Report. In C. Ludwig & Maruo-Schröder, N. (Eds.), Issues in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction. (pp. 259-276). Winter.
“ʻHunger for Justice’: The potential of young adult dystopian fiction for the EFL classroom.” Universität Bielefeld, 5 June 2019.
(with Maria Eisenmann) “Ecological education through teaching young adult dystopian fiction.” International Conference Educating the Global Citizen: International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age, LMU München, 27 March 2019.
(with Maria Eisenmann) “Environmental education in the EFL classroom through young adult dystopian fiction.” Symposium Teaching for Environmental Justice: Environmental Education and the EFL Classroom, JMU Würzburg, 8 February 2019.
“Young adult dystopian fiction und global issues im Englischunterricht.” 3rd TEFL Day of the Chair of EFL Methodology, JMU Würzburg, 8 March 2018.
“ʻThe Odds Are Never in Our Favor’: Constructions of Adolescence in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction and Its Potential for the EFL Classroom.” Forschungskolloquium des Arbeitskreises der englischen Fachdidaktiker an bayerischen Hochschulen (AKED), Frauenwörth, 19 May 2017.
“ʻHunger for Justiceʼ: Das didaktische Potential von young adult dystopian fiction für den Englischunterricht.” Bundeskongress des Gesamtverbands Moderne Fremdsprachen (GMF), Nürnberg, 29 September 2016.
“Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction, Teenage Readers, and the EFL Classroom.” Symposium “Tell Freedom I Said Hello”: Issues in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Fiction, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 22 January 2016.
“Postcolonial Literature: Jackie Kay.” Bundeskongress des Gesamtverbands Moderne Fremdsprachen (GMF), PH Freiburg, 25 September 2014.
Since 09/2016 | Lecturer and Research Assistant at the chair of EFL Methodology at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg |
2011 - 2016 | Lecturer in the English Department at the University of Education Karlsruhe |
2015 - 2016 | Co-chair of the PhD students’ council (Doktorandenkonvent) at the University of Education Karlsruhe |
2013 | Assistant teacher of English at Schule im Lustgarten Karlsruhe |
2006 - 2011 | European degree programme for primary and lower secondary schools (Europalehramt an Grund-, Haupt- und Werkrealschulen) at the University of Education Karlsruhe M.A. in European Bilingual Education First state exam for primary and lower secondary schools (English, Religious Education/ Divinity, German) |
2008 - 2009 | Studies in English Literature, Divinity and Medieval Studies at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland |
2005 - 2006 | Assistant teacher at the German school in Mbesa, Tanzania |