3. TEFL DAY 2018: Tag der Fremdsprachendidaktik 2017 in Würzburg unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann zu Thema "Young Adult Fiction in the EFL Classroom".
MehrNews und Veranstaltungen - Archiv
Race and the Crisis of American Democracy
11.12.2017Panel Discussion with Nigel Hatton (University of California, Merced) - Luvena Kopp (University of Tübingen) - Heike Raphael-Hernandez (University of Würzburg) - Thomas Chatterton Williams (Author, Contributor to The New York Times) - Moderator: Catrin Gersdorf (University of Würzburg)
MehrThe School of English Linguistics of the Department of English and American Studies cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Lawrence Solan, Brooklyn Law School.
Mehr"Brush up your Shakespeare!"
23.11.2017Shakespeare-didaktische Tagung für Lehrende, Studierende und Shakespeare-Freunde im Burkardushaus Würzburg
MehrIFCEAS-Vortrag: "Feminist Environmental Humanities as Posthumanities for the Anthropocene"
22.11.2017The Interfaculty Forum for Cultural Environmental and Animal Studies (IFCEAS) and the Chair of American Studies cordially invite you to a guest lecture by Cecilia Åsberg.
MehrThe School of English Linguistics of the Department of English and American Studies cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Gaby Axer, M.A. (Universität Bonn).
MehrJanice Perry: "Naked at the Met"
13.11.2017Das neue Programm "Naked at the Met" von Performance-Künstlerin Janice Perry am Montag, den 13.11.2017 um 18 Uhr in HS 2.
The Department of English Linguistics cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Kate Burridge (Monash University, Melbourne) | 27.10.2017 - 14:00 c.t. | Philosophiegebäude HS 3
MehrLiterature in a Globalized World
05.10.2017Lecture Series October 2017
Mehr“Transcultural Pedagogies”
13.09.2017Research Seminar with Ranjan Ghosh (University of North Bengal)
MehrVortrag von Andrew Gross: Fiction and Counter-Fact in Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America"
11.07.2017Termin: Dienstag, 11.07.2017, 16-18 Uhr, Am Hubland, Philosophiegebäude, ÜR 13. Zu diesem Vortrag am Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik wird herzlich eingeladen!
MehrVortrag im Rahmen des Interdisziplinären Forums für Cultural Environmental and Animal Studies (IFCEAS)
MehrInternational Conference at Würzburg University; conference venue: Tagungszentrum Burkardushaus