Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Prof. Simi Malhotra (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi): "'New Materialism' as a Response to the 'Crisis' in the Humanities?"

'New Materialism' as a Response to the 'Crisis' in the Humanities?
Datum: 27.05.2019, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Startseite
Ort: Hubland Süd, Geb. PH1 (Philosophiegebäude), ÜR 20
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Isabel Karremann
Vortragende: Prof. Simi Malhotra (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi)

Prof. Dr. Simi Malhotra is Professor of English as well as Director of the Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research at Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University) in New Delhi, India. She is a specialist in literary and cultural theory as well as culture studies, with special focus on postmodernism, the interface of the globalizing media with politics, as also folk cultural forms. She is the PI of a new two-year research and teaching cooperation with English Studies at Würzburg University, entitled "New Terrains of Consciousness: Globalization, Sensory Environments and Local Cultures of Knowledge", which has just been approved for funding.
