Deutsch Intern

#ShareYourKnowledge -  Prof. Dr. Jeanette Vigliotti (Flagler College) & Story Maps


Brown Bag, Wednesday, 12 June, 12:15 – 13:15, Philosophy Building, Room 19

The Story Maps platform offers new possibilities for making research results digitally and graphically accessible. Equally important, Story Maps is user-friendly and adaptable to work in university, school, and other project contexts. At this  colleague-to-colleague brown bag event, Prof. Dr. Vigliotti, an expert on this software, will report on her experiences and we will consider together how Story Maps can potentially be implemented in our own teaching and research work.

Jeanette Vigliotti is an Assistant Professor of Classical and Liberal Education at Flagler College. Her research interests include digital culture and public history. As a public historian, she collaborates with cultural heritage organization.

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This #ShareYourKnowledge event is part of Transatlantic Cultures & Histories: a framework for cooperation between Flagler College / St. Augustine, Florida and the Philosophical Faculty of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg.
