Deutsch Intern

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Ina Bergmann

Professional Experience

since 01/2025 – Associate professor (Akademische Direktorin), American Studies, University of Würzburg

since 04/2021 – Associate professor (Außerplanmäßige Professorin), American Studies, University of Würzburg

02/2017-12/2024 – Associate professor (Akademische Oberrätin), American Studies, University of Würzburg

04/2012-03/2013 – Stand-in professor (Vertretungsprofessorin), North American Literature and Culture, University of Konstanz

03/2011-06/2011 – Visiting professor (Gastprofessorin), American Literature and Culture, University of Vienna, Austria

12/2009-01/2017 – Associate professor (Akademische Rätin), American Studies, University of Würzburg

03/2009-07/2009 – Assistant lecturer (Nebenberufliche Lehrbeauftragte), Language Center, University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg

01/2005-05/2005 – Visiting assistant professor, English Department, State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY, USA

06/2003-05/2009 – Assistant professor (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin), American Studies, University of Würzburg

02/1998-05/2003 – Assistant professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), American Studies, University of Würzburg


06/2010 – Lecturing Qualification (Venia Legendi), English Philology, University of Würzburg

05/2010 – Postdoctoral Degree (Habilitation), English Philology, University of Würzburg

06/2003 – Doctoral Degree (Promotion), American Studies, University of Würzburg

07/1997 – First State Exam for Teachers for Secondary Schools (1. Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien), English and German, Bavaria, Germany

07/1996 – Master's Degree (Magister Artium), American Studies, English Studies, and German Studies, University of Würzburg

Fellowships, Grants, and Funding

10/2017-03/2018 – Associate Visiting Research Fellowship, Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

02-03/2017 – Trinity Long Room Hub Visiting Research Fellowship, Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland                       

12/2016 – Funding from Siblings Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for the Humanities for the printing costs of Cultures of Solitude: Loneliness – Limitation – Liberation

02/2016 – Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship, The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, CA, USA

07/2015 – Funding from Bavarian America Academy (BAA) for the International and Interdisciplinary Conference "Cultures of Solitude," Würzburg, Germany

10/2014-09/2015 – "Forschungsfonds" Research Grant (University of Würzburg) for the employment of a graduate assistant to support the organization of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference "Cultures of Solitude," Würzburg, Germany

08-09/2014 – "Forschungsfonds" Research Grant (University of Würzburg) for research at the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA and Widener Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

03/2013 – Funding from Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Bavarian America Academy (BAA), German Association for American Studies (GAAS), and Universitätsbund Würzburg for the International Conference "Liminality and the Short Story," Würzburg, Germany (with Jochen Achilles)

04/2011 – DAAD Grant for participation in the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Conference, New Brunswick, NJ, USA

09/2009 – DAAD Grant for participation in the Annual Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English (Anglistentag), Klagenfurt, Austria

04/2008 – DFG Grant for an invited lecture and a workshop with graduate students at the English Department, State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY, and participation in the NeMLA Conference, Buffalo, NY, USA

06/2007 – "Jubiläumsstiftung" Research Grant (University of Würzburg) for research at Widener Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (Report in einBLICK 27/2007) and participation in the Historical Novel Society (HNS) Conference, Albany, NY, USA.

05/2002 – Funding from The British Council, Bavarian America Academy (BAA), The Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (GKS), US Embassy Berlin, Universitätsbund Würzburg, Bayerisches Staatsministerium, Verlag C. Winter Heidelberg, Sparkassenstiftung, Würzburger Straßenbahn GmbH, Würzburger Hofbräu, and Bad Brückenauer for the 11th Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE), Burg Rothenfels, Germany (with Jochen Achilles and Birgit Däwes)

07-08/1999 – Fulbright Commission Stipend for participation in the American Studies Summer Institute 1999, "Politics and Culture in American Society," New York University (NYU), New York City, NY, USA.

Functions in Professional Organizations and for Professional Journals

Co-Founder, Irish Studies Würzburg (ISWÜ)

Research Network Member, Pathologies of Solitude, 18th-21st Century, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Board member, European Network for Short Fiction Research (ENSFR)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Short Fiction in Theory and Practice

Editorial Consultant, Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)

Peer Reviewer, ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment

Peer Reviewer, Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism

Peer Reviewer, AmLit: American Literatures

Membership in Professional Organizations

European Association for American Studies (EAAS)

German Association for American Studies (GAAS)

Bayerische Amerika-Akademie (BAA)

European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)

Deutscher Anglistenverband

European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) 

Irish Studies Würzburg (ISWÜ)

Historical Fictions Research Network (HFRN)

European Network for Short Fiction Research (ENSFR)

Society for the Study of the American Short Story (SSASS)

Nineteenth-Century Women Writers Study Group