Collaboration, Conference and Event Organization
Prof. Dr. MaryAnn Snyder-Körber
Initiator (with Zeno Ackermann) of JMU Cultural Studies as a framework for collaborative teaching and research at the Neuphilologisches Institut – Moderne Fremdsprachen as well as the JMU Cultural Studies Guest Lectures.
- Winter 2024/2025 – Olena Haleta: "Sophia Yablonska's Travelogues as Modernist Auto-Narrative: The Voice of the 'Second Sex' from the 'Second World.'" Slavic Studies & JMU Cultural Studies.
- Winter 2024/2025 – Elaine Roth (Indiana University South Bend and FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), "Now You See Them: Women and African Americans in Early US Cinema." American Cultural Studies & JMU Cultural Studies in cooperation with Filmplenum Würzburg.
- Summer 2024 – Suman Bhagchandani (Jamia Millia Islamia University), "I Wear My Gender on My Sleeve: A Dialogue between Gender Performance and Performativity in Kathak Dance." JMU Cultural Studies in cooperation with Mobile Feminisms: Gender, Social Media, Transnational Interactions.
- Summer 2024 – Melissa Frazier (Sarah Lawrence College & Eberhard Karls-Universität Tübingen), "Russian Writers and African-American Artists: Pushkin and Paul Robeson." American Cultural Studies, Slavic Studies, & JMU Cultural Studies.
Collaboration with Simi Malhotra (Jamia Millia Islamia University) in the Mobile Feminisms: Gender, Social Media, Transnational Interactions project co-funded by the German Academic Exchange Service/Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and Indian University Grants Commission (UGC) as a framework for research, teaching and the Mobile Feminisms Workshop Series.
- Mobile Feminisms online peer review workshop "Transnational Dialogue" on 27-28 September 2024.
- Mobile Feminisms “Work-in-Progress” Workshop in cooperation with the Office of the University’s Women’s Representative (Büro der Universitätsfrauenbeauftragte / UFB) on 17-18 June, 2024.
- Mobile Feminisms Workshops at Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI), New Delhi featuring Mobile Feminisms Researchers from JMU and JMI from September 22-27, 2023 and March 8-14, 2024
- Mobile Feminisms Networking Workshop explores the question of how feminism goes mobile through online and analogue connectivities in an appropriately hybrid format from 13-14 October, 2023.
- Mobile Feminisms Kick-Off Workshop at JMU Würzburg featuring presentations by Prof. Dr. Simi Malhotra (Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi) and Dr. Jennifer Leetsch (Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies | Universität Bonn) the University’s Women’s Representative (Büro der Universitätsfrauenbeauftragte / UFB) from May 8 -12, 2023.
Initiator and organizer (with Hannah Nelson-Teutsch and Petra Zaus) of the "Writing Matters” program at the JMU Schreibzentrum | Writing Center. The aim of “Writing Matters” is to bring highly qualified and prominent professional writers into dialogue with JMU students and the wider university and Würzburg communities. This dialogue unfolds in teaching formats, public events, and short-term creative residencies.
- Writing Matters 2022 –Online Workshop Series with Rebecca Shuman in cooperation with WueDive
- Writing Matters 2021 – Online Workshop & Event Series with Jan Carson in cooperation with Irish Studies Würzburg (ISWÜ)
- Writing Matters 2020 – Workshop & Event with Anna Winger in cooperation with Katholische Akademie Domschule
- Writing Matters 2019 – Workshop & Event Series with Yaa Gyasi in cooperation with the Siebold Collegium Institute for Advanced Studies (SCIAS).
- Writing Matters 2018 – Workshop & Event Series with Thomas Chatterton Williams with the Siebold Collegium Institute for Advanced Studies (SCIAS).
Organizer of “Traum und Albtraum: Amerika und die vielen Gesichter der Freiheit.“ An Evening with with the Journalist Julian Heißler. Toskanasaal, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. 30 November 2023.
Organizer (with Cathrin Lüderitz and Katja Ruete) of the Symposium “(Anti)Racism and Education – Transatlantic Perspectives 2022.” Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH), Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. 20-21 June 2022.
Professorial Committee (with Zeno Ackermann and Saugata Bhaduri) for the International Online Symposium “Global (Neo-) Classicisms? Uses of Antiquity in Contemporary World Literatures” organized by Anna Fried Kuhn and Isabel Eder. Jawaharlal Nehru University and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. 10-11 December 2020.
Organizer (with Sebastian Jobs) of the Symposium “Configurations of the Black Atlantic.” John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. 2-3 February, 2017.
Initiator and Organizer of "An Evening with the Author" Reading and Roundtable Series featuring Beth Ann Fennelly, Tom Franklin, and Sean Bonney. John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. Winter Term 2016-2017.
Organizer of the Symposium "New Media Writing: Copying, Appropriating, and Materializing in the 21st Century." John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. 15 July 2016.
Planning Committee Member for the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nordamerikastudien "Modernization and Modernities in North America." Leibniz Universität Hannover. June 2017.
Organizer of the Symposium "Liberty's Loss: North American Narratives of Dis_Possession." John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. 1 February 2013.
Cooperation with the Kunstfestspiele Hannover and the "Edgar Allan Poe Project." English Seminar of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. June 2012.
Organizer (with Babette Tischleder and Sarah Wasserman) of the Panel "Obsolescence: The Economics and Aesthetics of American Wastelands." American Studies Association Annual Meeting "Crisis, Chains, and Change: American Studies for the the 21st Century." San Antonio, Texas. 18-21 November 2010.
Organizer (with Laura Bieger) of the Symposium "Writing the Self." John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. 10 July 2010.
Organizer (with Vanessa Künnemann) of the Panel "Family Values: The Politics of Private Representation.". Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien "The American Presidency and Political Leadership." Universität Heidelberg. 16-18 May 2008.
Organizer (with M. Michaela Hampf) of the International Conference "[machine]" John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. 15-16 February 2008.
Organizer (with Andrew S. Gross) of the Panel "Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents: States and Statelessness in the Writings of the Early Republic." American Studies Association Annual Meeting "América Acquí. Transhemispheric Visions and Community Connections." Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11-15 October 2007.
Organizer (with Andrew S. Gross and Ulla Haselstein) of the International Conference "The Pathos of Authenticity: American Passions of the Real." John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin, June 21-24, 2007.
"Perspectives in American Studies." Co-Organizer of the Research Colloquium of the Departments for North American Literature and Cultural Studies. John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. 2005-2016.