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English Linguistics


Prof. Dr. Barış KABAK

Professor of English Linguistics

Office Phone and Email

Room: 5.U.12
Phone: +49 931 31-86519
Fax: +49 931 31-85660


Information about Prof. Kabak's office hours

Click here  to find out more about Prof. Kabak's office hours.

Secretary: Karin Kernahan
Phone: +49 931 31-81125 / -86587

Research Interests

Follow me on ResearchGate

Phonology and Phonetics:
Prosodic Phonology, Phonetics-Phonology Interface, Morphology-Phonology Interface,
Syntax-Phonology Interface, Laboratory Phonology, Second Language Phonetics and Phonology, Speech Perception, Music-Prosody Interface, Prosodic Typology, Phonological Change and Variation

Morphology and Syntax:
Morphophonology and Prosodic Morphology, Agglutination, Cliticization and Morphologization, Word Formation (especially, Compounding and Reduplication), Morphology-Syntax Interface, Suspended Affixation, Bilingual Morphosyntax, Word Class Distinctions in Phonology, Syntax-Phonology Mapping, Word Segmentation

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and Bilingualism:
Psycholinguistic Aspects of SLA and Bilingualism, Second Language Phonology, Bilingual Grammatical Competence, Ultimate Attainment and Near Nativeness, Foreign Accent, Third Language Acquisition of Phonology, Cognitive Aspects of Multilingualism

English Linguistics:
English Phonetics, Phonology and Prosody, English Morphology and Word Formation (especially, Compounding and Blending), Non-native Varieties of English, Sociophonetics of English Varieties, American English Varieties with focus on their Phonology, Prosody and Morphology, Phonology and Prosody of Emerging Englishes, English as a Foreign Language

Other Languages:
Turkish Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology
Korean Phonology

I am currently a professor of English Linguistics at the Department of English and American Studies at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg. From October 2018 until April 2021, I was a member of the University Board as Vice President for Internationalization, Alumni and Public Relations. I founded JMU podcast, the podcast of the University of Würzburg in 2019 (Click here for a press release about JMU Podcast and here for a Main Post article about it).

Before coming to Würzburg, I worked as an assistant professor (Juniorprofessor) of English and General Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Konstanz (2005-2011). In Summer 2010, I became a Senior Associate Member of St. Antony’s College, which allowed me to have a research stay at the University of Oxford. During my assistant professorship, I substituted for the professorship of English Linguistics (2009-2010) and the professorship of Psycho-/ Neurolinguistics (2008-2009) at Konstanz.

Before I got on the professorial track, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow within the Special Research Unit 471 ‘Variation and Evolution in the Lexicon’ funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Prior to that, I taught various linguistics courses at the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science, at the University of Delaware in the United States of America, where I was a graduate student (1998-2003), and a Competitive Fellow. I did my undergraduate studies in English Language Teaching and Linguistics at Boğaziçi (Bosphorus) University, Istanbul, Turkey, and at the State University of New York at Binghamton, New York, USA. I am a native of Istanbul.

Courses in Winter Semester 2024/25

Introduction to English Linguistics – Mondays, 12-14

Practice Session - Introduction to English Linguistics – Mondays, 16-17 and 17-18

Word Structure and the Mental Lexicon – Tuesdays, 10-12

Research Projects in Language Acquisition, Variation and Change – Tuesdays, 16-18

Topics in Phonetics and Phonology – Wednesdays, 10-12

Recently organized workshops

International Workshop on Suprasegmentals in Acquisition and Processing 31 May-01 June 2011, University of Konstanz (with Bettina Braun).

Phonology Workshop: Phonological Domains, Universals and Deviations (29th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS), Siegen, with Janet Grijzenhout).

Discovering and Representing Phonological Patterns 10-12 April 2008, University of Konstanz.