Deutsch Intern
Englische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft


Dr. Ifeoluwa ABOLUWADE

English Literature and Cultural Studies

Akademische Rätin

Room: Am Hubland, 5.E.17

Office Hours

During the semester: Mondays 1- 3 pm (13:00 - 15:00)


 Research Interests

  • Early Modern Drama and Shakespeare Studies
  • Global Shakespeare
  • Digital Humanities/Computational Literary Criticism
  • Contemporary and Postcolonial Anglophone Literature
  • Cultural Memory
  • Gender Studies


Current research projects

Seit 04.2025 Akademische Rätin am Lehrstuhl Englisch Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Seit 2023 Mitglied, Teaching Committee, Renaissance Society of America

Seit 2021 Research Associate, The Tsikinya-Chaka Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

10.2019 – 03.2025 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, (DFG funded research project „Travelling Knowledge and Trans*textuality. African Re*Sources in Shakespearean Drama), Universität Bayreuth

09.2023 – 02.2024 Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

2022/2023 Fellow, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, USA

04.2021 – 03.2024 Co-PI with Prof. Chris Thurman, Prof. Peter Marx, Dr Serena Talento, Alexander von Humboldt Research Group Linkage Programme (Institutspatnerschaft zwischen Universität Bayreuth, University of the Witwatersrand und Universität Köln)

 07.2018 – 04.2019 Wissenschaftliche Hilfkraft, English Literature and Anglophone Cultures, Universität Bayreuth

10.2014 – 02-2019 Doctoral Candidate, English Literature and Anglophone Cultures, Universität Bayreuth

08.2008 – 07. 2009 Fulbright Teaching Assistant, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University, USA


Membership in Academic Organizations

Renaissance Society of America (RSA)

German Shakespeare Society (Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft)

GAPS (Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien)

Shakespeare Association of America (SAA)

Summer Semester 2025

  • The Digital Turn in Literary Studies (seminar, level 1)
  • Maternity in Shakespeare (seminar, level 2)
  • Postcolonial Writing: Memory and Narrative (seminar, level 3, MA)






Monographs and Edited Collections

Aboluwade Ifeoluwa, Talento Serena et al. (eds.) African Shakespeare: Subversions,

Appropriations, Negotiations. Routledge, 2025


Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Subversive Transformations: Translation, Orature and Multimodality

in Selected Plays by Femi Osofisan”, Münster: Edition Assemblage, 2020.


Articles and Chapters

Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Reincarnating Barbary: Translating Intersections of Race and Gender

in Desdemona and Wesoo Hamlet!." In: Shakespeare in the "Post"Colonies: Legacies,

Cultures and Social Justice, eds. Amrita Dhar and Amrita Sen, London: Arden Shakespeare

(Bloomsbury Publishing). (In Press)


Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Playing With the Un/Dead: Translation, Memory and the Politics of

Gendered Identity in Femi Osofisan’s Wesoo, Hamlet!." In: African Shakespeare: Subversions, Appropriations, Negotiations, eds. Aboluwade Ifeoluwa, Talento Serena et al. Routledge. 2025


Aboluwade Ifeoluwa & Talento Serena. “Introduction”. In: African Shakespeare:

Subversions, Appropriations, Negotiations, eds. Aboluwade Ifeoluwa, Talento Serena et al.

Routledge. 2025


Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Beyond Interlingual Translation: Transforming History, Corporeality

and Spatiality in Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu". Adaptation, 28 Feb. 2019, Oxford University Press.


Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Zum Stellenwert der Skopostheorie bei der englischen Übersetzung

von Hans Paasches Die Reise des Afrikaners Lukanga Mukara ins Innerste Deutschland." In:

Übersetzungsgermanistik aus einer afrikanischen Perspektive, ed. Shaban Mayanja,

Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2011, pp. 29-33.


In Preparation

Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Transcultural Shakespeare: Visualizing Dis:connections

through the Protean Resignifications of the Weird Sisters in Macbeth“. Special Issue

Journal of Transcultural Studies


Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Birthing Misogyny: Maternal Absence and Monstrous

Transgressions in Othello and Otaelo“. In: Shakespeare and Misogyny. eds. Brian

Chalk, Shannon Kelley et al., London: Arden Shakespeare (Bloomsbury Publishing)


Terpstra, Nicholas, Nahoe, Francisco, Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Teaching the Global

Renaissance Across Borders”. Routledge