Dr. Ifeoluwa ABOLUWADE
English Literature and Cultural Studies
Akademische Rätin
Room: Am Hubland, 5.E.17
Office Hours
During the semester: Mondays 1- 3 pm (13:00 - 15:00)
Research Interests
- Early Modern Drama and Shakespeare Studies
- Global Shakespeare
- Digital Humanities/Computational Literary Criticism
- Contemporary and Postcolonial Anglophone Literature
- Cultural Memory
- Gender Studies
Current research projects
- Black Spectres: Figurations of the Trickster and the Warrior in Shakespearean Drama (Habilitation Project)
- Shakespeare and Misogyny
- Teaching the Global Renaissance Across Borders (with Nicholas Terpstra https://www.trinity.utoronto.ca/discover/about/who-we-are/provost/ and Francisco Nahoe https://zaytuna.edu/faculty-details/FR-Francisco-Nahoe
Seit 04.2025 Akademische Rätin am Lehrstuhl Englisch Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Seit 2023 Mitglied, Teaching Committee, Renaissance Society of America
Seit 2021 Research Associate, The Tsikinya-Chaka Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
10.2019 – 03.2025 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, (DFG funded research project „Travelling Knowledge and Trans*textuality. African Re*Sources in Shakespearean Drama), Universität Bayreuth
09.2023 – 02.2024 Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
2022/2023 Fellow, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, USA
04.2021 – 03.2024 Co-PI with Prof. Chris Thurman, Prof. Peter Marx, Dr Serena Talento, Alexander von Humboldt Research Group Linkage Programme (Institutspatnerschaft zwischen Universität Bayreuth, University of the Witwatersrand und Universität Köln)
07.2018 – 04.2019 Wissenschaftliche Hilfkraft, English Literature and Anglophone Cultures, Universität Bayreuth
10.2014 – 02-2019 Doctoral Candidate, English Literature and Anglophone Cultures, Universität Bayreuth
08.2008 – 07. 2009 Fulbright Teaching Assistant, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University, USA
Membership in Academic Organizations
Renaissance Society of America (RSA)
German Shakespeare Society (Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft)
GAPS (Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien)
Shakespeare Association of America (SAA)
Summer Semester 2025
- The Digital Turn in Literary Studies (seminar, level 1)
- Maternity in Shakespeare (seminar, level 2)
- Postcolonial Writing: Memory and Narrative (seminar, level 3, MA)
Monographs and Edited Collections
Aboluwade Ifeoluwa, Talento Serena et al. (eds.) African Shakespeare: Subversions,
Appropriations, Negotiations. Routledge, 2025 https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9781003390763/african-shakespeareifeoluwa-aboluwade-serena-talento-oliver-nyambi-pepetual-mforbe-chiangong
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Subversive Transformations: Translation, Orature and Multimodality
in Selected Plays by Femi Osofisan”, Münster: Edition Assemblage, 2020.
Articles and Chapters
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Reincarnating Barbary: Translating Intersections of Race and Gender
in Desdemona and Wesoo Hamlet!." In: Shakespeare in the "Post"Colonies: Legacies,
Cultures and Social Justice, eds. Amrita Dhar and Amrita Sen, London: Arden Shakespeare
(Bloomsbury Publishing). https://www.bloomsbury.com/in/shakespeare-in-the-postcolonies-9781350344150/ (In Press)
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Playing With the Un/Dead: Translation, Memory and the Politics of
Gendered Identity in Femi Osofisan’s Wesoo, Hamlet!." In: African Shakespeare: Subversions, Appropriations, Negotiations, eds. Aboluwade Ifeoluwa, Talento Serena et al. Routledge. 2025 https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003390763-6/playing-un-dead-ifeoluwa-aboluwade?context=ubx&refId=7db18d70-be0c-4717-a0bb-47fc1d5b9056
Aboluwade Ifeoluwa & Talento Serena. “Introduction”. In: African Shakespeare:
Subversions, Appropriations, Negotiations, eds. Aboluwade Ifeoluwa, Talento Serena et al.
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Beyond Interlingual Translation: Transforming History, Corporeality
and Spatiality in Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu". Adaptation, 28 Feb. 2019, https://doi.org/10.1093/adaptation/apz004 Oxford University Press.
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. "Zum Stellenwert der Skopostheorie bei der englischen Übersetzung
von Hans Paasches Die Reise des Afrikaners Lukanga Mukara ins Innerste Deutschland." In:
Übersetzungsgermanistik aus einer afrikanischen Perspektive, ed. Shaban Mayanja,
Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2011, pp. 29-33.
In Preparation
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Transcultural Shakespeare: Visualizing Dis:connections
through the Protean Resignifications of the Weird Sisters in Macbeth“. Special Issue
Journal of Transcultural Studies
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Birthing Misogyny: Maternal Absence and Monstrous
Transgressions in Othello and Otaelo“. In: Shakespeare and Misogyny. eds. Brian
Chalk, Shannon Kelley et al., London: Arden Shakespeare (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Terpstra, Nicholas, Nahoe, Francisco, Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Teaching the Global
Renaissance Across Borders”. Routledge