10/27/2023Promoting the Digital Sovereignty of Foreign Language Teachers: Inter- and Transcultural Learning in Social Virtual Reality

From 25 to 26 October 2023, the University of Bamberg held the kick-off meeting of the new collaborative project "DiSo-SGW" (Digital Sovereignty as an Objective of Innovative Teacher Education in Languages, Social Sciences, and Economics). On two days, participants had the opportunity to present their projects and research goals in short lectures and poster presentations and to exchange ideas with colleagues.
The Chair of TEFL methodology with Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann and Jeanine Steinbock contribute to "DiSo-SGW" with their project called: "Promoting the Digital Sovereignty of Foreign Language Teachers: Inter- and Transcultural Learning in Social Virtual Reality". This project focuses on promoting the digital sovereignty of English teachers in fully immersive teaching/learning environments with a focus on the acquisition of inter- and transcultural competences and global citizenship competences. The research is based on preliminary work from the BMBF project "CoTeach", in which a seminar concept was developed, where student teachers design teaching activities in social VR that promote the development of affective and conative learning goals of inter- and transcultural learning, such as the ability to adopt perspectives or curiosity about cultural diversity, but also the critical reflection of cultural stereotypes. The results of the accompanying surveys on the potential and impact of the VR environment are a basis for the "DiSo-SGW"-project in developing teacher-training modules.
For further information see: Kompetenzverbund - lernen:digital