State Exam

Recommended preparation for the State Exam
As preparation for the State Exam we advise you to:
- attend the preparatory courses offered by our department
The courses are intended as preparation for the final state exam (Staatsexamen) for modularized students of secondary and primary education (Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule, Gymnasium).
Key topics of TEFL, relevant to the exam, will be discussed in order to give the participants impulses for a further, more in-depth study and individual focus.
Enrollment takes place over WueCampus.
- read the secoundary literature
our compilation of secoundary literature is a study suggestion. While we were dedicated to make it as complete and well-rounded as possible, the exam might cover topics not included in this list. We don't assume responsibility for this.
Recommended Literature for the State Exam in TEFL
- take a look at old exam questions
State Exam (Altklausuren & LASPO)
- familiarize yourself with current practical examples.
Various journals dedicate theselves to publishing new and interesting teaching approaches. For further information, check out the Recommended Literature for the State Exam.
- read the LehrplanPLUS
you should be familiar with the official syllabus and able to connect your theoretical knowledge to the requirements of the practical implementation. LehrplanPLUS
Slides: "Informationen zum Staatsexamen englische Fachdidaktik"
schriftliche Hausarbeit (Zulassungsarbeit)
If you are interested in writing your Zulassungsarbeit in the Department of Fachdidaktik - Moderne Fremdsprachen, please contact Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann at least one year in advance.
For further information on the other departments of Anglistik/Amerikanistik, click here.
The deadline for admission papers is always 1 February/1 August.
Forms for submission
Label (Aufkleber Mittelschule)