Deutsch Intern
Anglistik und Amerikanistik

New publications on the Denksport:ART Blog


First up is "Body Motion", a poem by Fiona Hildenbrand that celebrates the complexity and significance of the human body while highlighting the paradoxical ways it can be treated.

Similar in tone, Rudi Gremels' "with/out reservation" beautifully captures our longing for intimate experiences characterized by uninhibited exploration.

Finally, the locally coloured piece by Tobias Jennewein discusses the (in-)significance of life through space in his "zwischenorte. Karlstadt a. Main", evoking a melancholic tone somewhat reminiscent of Fernando Pessoa. For those interested in more of Jennewein's work: a collection of his most recent poetry, Und die Spiegel fangen an zu tauen, can be obtained via come June.

Denksport:ART provides a forum for engagement with literature, culture, and writing in English and German. The blog is hosted at the Chair for English Literature & British Cultural Studies. Comments and contributions (by students and faculty) can be sent to
