Deutsch Intern
Anglistik und Amerikanistik

The EDG is back with a new production: "Bunbury – A serious play for trivial people"


Performance dates: Wednesday, 10 July, 8pm / Thursday, 11 July, 8pm / Friday, 12 July, 8pm @ Stadtmensa am Studentenhaus

After last year’s very successful production of “12” (based on the screenplay of “Twelve Angry Men”), the EDG is now putting on Bunbury, a play by Tom Jacobson, in which the eponymous and well-known imagined character from Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest finally takes to the stage as a real person.

For more information please see the flyer.

As the play references numerous classic literary works, it is especially suited to students of English and American literature and culture. Knowledge of the works referenced is helpful but not required (there will be detailed summaries in the program).

Presale/Reservations: 2,50€ (students)/3€ (others) 

Box office: 4€ (students)/4,50€ (others)

For reservations please contact Karin Kernahan.

English Drama Group

