Cultural programme
Guided tour: Medieval Würzburg
From the Lion Court (Hof zum großen Löwen) to the Cathedral and the Old Main Bridge (Alte Mainbrücke): we invite you to a guided tour on the trail of medieval Würzburg.
Date: Monday, 06/03/2023, 2 pm
Meeting point: Burkardushaus main entrance
Duration/cost: approx. 1 hour, free of charge, limited number of participants
Guided tour of the manuscript department of the UB

Guided tour of the manuscript collection of the Würzburg University Library, which houses around 2,300 manuscripts.
Date: Tuesday, 07/03/2023, 2:30 pm
Meeting point: University Library main entrance, Am Hubland (bus lines 10, 34, 114, 214)
Duration/cost: approx. 1 hour, free of charge, limited number of participants
Guided tours of the Residenz

Guided tours of the Residenz run continuously. Registration is not necessary.
All information is available on the website of the Würzburg Residenz.