Common Grounds. Towards a Medieval Comparative Literature
Organization: J.-Prof. Dr. Carlotta Posth (Würzburg), Ass.-Prof. Dr. Katja Weidner (Wien)
Date: 15–17 January 2025
Venue: Burkardushaus, Würzburg
15 Jan 2025 | |
5.30 pm | Arrival |
6 pm | Welcome |
6.15 pm | KeynoteArdis Butterfield (Yale)Medieval Comparative Literature and Multilingual Reading |
16 Jan 2025 | |
9 am | Carlotta Posth/Katja Weidner (Würzburg/Wien) Introduction: Towards a Medieval Comparative Literary Studies: What Do We Need? |
9.30 am | Theoretical Premises: Cultural BackdropJan Santner (Stuttgart)Tauler at the Tsar's Court: 'Cultural Transfers' as a Paradigm in Intercultural Medieval Studies Response: Carlotta Posth (Würzburg) |
Jennifer Hagedorn (Würzburg) A Translational Perspective on Medieval Literature: Impulses from Early Modern Translation Research Response: Rita Schlusemann (FU Berlin) | |
11 am | Coffee Break |
11.30 am | Comparative Approaches (I): Baukje van den Berg (CEU) |
Máire Ní Mhaonaigh/Elizabeth Tyler (Cambridge/York) Early Medieval Literary Cultures: Two Kings and their Networks Response: Johannes Stephan (FU Berlin) | |
1 pm | Lunch |
3 pm | Roundtable (I): with perspectives from: |
4.30 am | Coffee Break |
5 pm | Comparative Approaches (II): Eva von Contzen (Freiburg) |
Miriam Edlich-Muth (Düsseldorf) Mixed-Method Approaches to the Comparative Study of Medieval Romance: A Snapshot of the Post-REALM Project Response: Katja Weidner (Wien) | |
7.30 pm | Conference Dinner |
17 Jan 2025 | |
9 am | Comparative Approaches (III): ÉloÏse Adde (CEU) |
Jeremy Llewellyn (Wien) From the Rising of the Sun to Common Ground? The Musical Guises of 'A solis ortu cardine' in Medieval Eurasia Response: Regina Toepfer (Würzburg) | |
10.30 am | Coffee Break |
11 am | Roundtable (II): with perspectives from: |
12.30 pm | Lunch |
1.30 pm | Roundtable (III): with perspectives from: |
3 pm | Concluding Discussion: Towards a Medieval Comparative Literary Studies |
To participate on site on 16 and/or 17 Jan 2025, please register with Felix Pöppel: mediaevistische-komparatistik@uni-wuerzburg.de
The keynote will take place in person and online. No registration needed.
Online participation via Zoom: https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom.us/j/62996377958#success