  • Foto Bibliothèque de La Pléiade

Young BRIAS Kick-off Meeting

Datum: 20.06.2019, 12:00 - 21.06.2019, 12:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Kolloquium
Ort: Hubland Süd, Geb. Z6 (Zentrales Hörsaal- u. Seminargebäude), 2.013
Veranstalter: Dr. Julien Bobineau (Neuphil. Institut/Romanistik; Forum Afrikazentrum), Mirjam Straßer (Exzellenzcluster "Africa Multiple" der Universität Bayreuth), Bavarian Research Institute for African Studies (BRIAS)

We, the "Africa Multiple" Cluster of Excellence of the University of Bayreuth and the Junges Afrikazentrum of the University of Würzburg, cordially invite you, the early career scholars of the BRIAS partner institutions, to the Young BRIAS Kick-off Meeting in order to get to know each other, present your research projects and establish the Young BRIAS Network.

Plakat (pdf)
