
Liminality and the Short Story
University of Würzburg, Germany
March 7-10, 2013
Prof. Dr. Jochen Achilles, University of Würzburg, Germany: "Modes of Liminality in American Short Fiction" (abstract)
Dr. Michael Basseler, Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen, Germany: "Cognitive Liminality: The Short Story as Epistemological Fiction" (abstract)
Prof. Alfred Bendixen, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA: "The Liminal Spaces of Hawthorne's Short Story Cycles" (abstract)
PD Dr. Ina Bergmann, University of Würzburg, Germany: "'I Have Heard Many Stranger Stories Than This, in the Villages Along the Hudson': Magic Realism in Upstate New York?" (abstract)
Prof. Jeff Birkenstein, St. Martin's University, Lacey, WA, USA: "How Significant Food Makes a Short Story into a Meal" (abstract)
Prof. Dr. Carmen Birkle, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany: "Of Death, Dying, and Disease: The Short Story and American Heterotopian Illness Narratives" (abstract)
Dr. Kasia Boddy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge, UK: "The Short Story Anthology: Between Locality and Nation" (abstract)
Prof. Dr. Renate Brosch, University of Stuttgart, Germany: "Narrative Transgressions: Third Space as an Emergent Blend in the Short Story Experience" (abstract)
Prof. Glenda Carpio, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA: "Richard Wright and the African American Short Story" (abstract)
Dr. Ailsa Cox, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, UK: "'Almost Like a Ghost': Spectral Figures in Alice Munro" (abstract)
Dr. Claire Drewery, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK: "'The Limits of my Language': Liminal Discourse and Contingent Identity in Modernist Women's Short Fiction" (abstract)
Prof. Susan Lohafer, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA: "Between Story and Essay: Micro-Markers of Storyness" (abstact)
Dr. Paul March-Russell, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK: "'I am not that': Liminality in the Short Fiction of Joanna Russ" (abstract)
Prof. Dr. Reingard M. Nischik, University of Konstanz, Germany: "Borderlines, Borderlands, Liminal Spaces: Crossing the Border Between the United States and Canada in North American Border Narratives" (abstract) (participation canceled)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rohr, Hamburg University, Germany: "Madness as a Liminal State in the American Short Story" (abstract)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding, Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany: "Brevity and Liminality in Early American Literary Magazines" (abstract)